There are several threads on Political Asylum so I will post this message on all of them!..seriously, this is a massive problem and the Nepali community in the U.S needs to be aware!
This may improper on my part and what I have to say below is not an attack on your desire to help the Nepali community but as a Nepali and someone who is aware that there are many who are working overtime to make fools of the Nepali community with all manner of promises, I have to say the following:
For those of you that frequent this forum and may be considering applying for asylum based on the circumstances back home, please be very careful about the attorney's you choose.
As a current law student and someone who has worked in the Nepali community with lots of Nepalese who have been taken to the cleaners by unscrupulous attorney's..please make sure that you know the attorney's history and track record before you hire them to represent you.
Political Asylum is NOT an easy application to make. There a lot of requirements that have to be fulfilled. First of all, applications have to be made within a year of entering the United States and the applicant has to be able to show a fear of persecution or a well founded fear of persuction to them (meaning, you cannot show that becuase you or your cousin is a mamber of the Congress, Communist or even KG's cabinet for that matter, your life is at risk. You have to show that your own Religious, Political, Social Group or National Origin put you at a risk in Nepal)
The consequences of a failed application are sever - deportation is every possibility and yes, you can appeal the decision of the Immigration Judge but the appeal is a very lenthy and expensive process.
I am not telling you to NOT apply, all I am saying is BE CAREFUL!...there are a lot of attorney's who have no concerns about charging am nuch as $3000 for an application and you should not become a victim.