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Posted on 08-10-05 2:13
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Nepali Aryans root from Iran and Iraq. They are Not European. I am a student in history faculty. I found that.... Nepali Aryans came from Iran and Iraq the way through the Afgahisthan and Kashmir.
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Posted on 08-16-05 11:01
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I think you all don't know a lot more about the ancient history of South Asia. The fact is those Iranians (persians) tried to invade India before the time of Alexander but couldn't suceed as they couldn't come across the river Sindhu. But, before those persians had famous empire, way before they were able to counter the Greek civilization, the Indian sub-continent had inumerous small kingdoms but most of them had only one religion. The history of hinduism goes as far as 5 thousand years before. Whereas it hasn't been more than 1500 years when Islam was founded, Christianity 2005 years and Buddhism 2500+ years. So, the so called Iranian aryans were here only after they were converted to muslim. The first successful attack from the west except from the Alexander was from those muslim tribes in or around 1200 AD. So there is no way it can be proved or called that the people who wrote one of the most complex and longest epics like Vedas and Purans 2800 (For Rigved) years ago are descendent from some jerks with iron swords in their blood thirsty hands with the only motto of conversion of faith. And by the way, I agree that historian believe the word Aryan was started from Iran but note the point that another ancient name of South Asia was also Aryabrat. And Rajasthanis and Punjabis are not aryans, they are the Huns and Sythians migrated from Central Asia. They are similar to present day Hungarians.
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Posted on 08-17-05 2:53
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Where is Stiffler? I was wondering was that really dog doodoo OR chocolate truffle that you ate in that movie. Could you like tell me please... this is AS important as where we khichadi people came from.
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Posted on 08-17-05 3:24
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Aryan migrated from Iran, Iraq and Afganisthan to South Asia and East Europe: Iranian Aryan spread to South Asian and East Europe in Romania. Gypseey of Romania (eastern europe) are also sub-branch of Aryan group.
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Posted on 08-28-05 12:24
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According to western history, Aryan means Persia (Iranian) people. A word ARYAN does not mean superior people. There is NO word meaning of superiority human being by Aryan word. In Nepal, some Nepali Bahun people thinks Aryan means superior, they use a word Aryan without actual understanding of its meaning and history behind it. That is just a good an example of communal and racists act and use of it.
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Posted on 08-28-05 1:42
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I cannot help but reply in this topic. Well let me tell you something, what we have done here is dwilt in the pretty modern historical record. If you want to know the real roots of the Nepali Aryan then we need to start from the VEDA which is the oldest of any scripture in the world. Since VEDA is the oldest scripture the state of origin depected there after should be what followed naturally. According to the veda the aryans's origin has always been the manasarovar, which is still in nepal. Actually if you follow the vedas than you will see ample evidence that all other religion and people every where decended from the asian himalayan area. For example you will be very suprised to hear that in the holiest shrines of the muslims the MECA and MEDINA, there is a statue of Shankar, and on the way there is a Black Stone where the musilms rub there chest, that was once the shivaling of Maccashowar Mahadev. You will be surprised to hear that christ was in Indian planes and went to one of the monastary in tibet through the road of Nepal. If you look at mother mary's picture in most famous of churches you will see her dressed in the old hindu dress and in some pictures she is depicted of having a tika or bindi in her forehead. Have you ever asked why??? If you ask the greatest of christians of the 18 years of christs' life that their history fails to explain, they will not have any answers to it. However many researcher have proved that he had travelled to kashi and other places in search of education which was very common during those days. To learn more read "christ in india" or similar books. So to answer where the aryans of nepal come from . you need to look at the vedas and also look at history beyond christ, or mohamed, or Taoism, or Zionism or jewdism. One very good Nepal book that i suggest you all read is "Veda ma Kay cha??" it explains the origin of everything by providing ample proof to some of your querrys. budha
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Posted on 08-28-05 8:25
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budha, i hear the line 'the veda is the oldest scripture in the world' bandied about pretty often. can you cite me the approximate date the Veda was first written? just saying it is the oldest scripture in the world without placing it in certain historical time frame doesn't quite cut it in the sceptical 21st century. i hope you will agree. karmapa
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Posted on 10-06-05 3:05
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In indian history, some historian tells some TRUKS from Truky immigrated into India through the way of Afgahnisthan (Silk Road). They establish some dynasty in Rajesthan, India too.
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Posted on 10-06-05 3:36
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hushpuppy mind ur language and ur knowledge is so pathetic . ru educated enough to write pass on comments liek that on anybody's religion, don't do it. what the hell do u know about christianity and muslim? how much research have u done it regarding the religion. one thing hushpuppy chriatian , muslim and jews are called abrahamic religion and no way chirtianity is a newborn faith that u r comparing wth sai Baba.
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Posted on 10-06-05 4:00
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I agree with most of the analysis of Budha, however the oldes printed book in the world is the Diamond Sutra, printed in China in 868 AD. However it is true that VEDA is the oldes book in that the knowledge of veda and its contents were passed from generation to generation verbally. So to the cynics (sp?) of the 21st century, it might not technically have existed before the Dimanond Sutra in a book form but the knowledge and contentes in vedas predate the modern dating system itself. RBT Ciao
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Posted on 10-06-05 4:30
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. Nepali Aryans came from Iran and Iraq the way through the Afgahisthan and Kashmir. He is pasting Mahabharat with Koran.
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Posted on 06-21-07 1:06
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. so you guys conculded that Nepali Khas are Iraqi and Irani Aryan in ancient time. .
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Posted on 06-21-07 4:16
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IRAN means land of aryans. Nepalese bahuns are Indo-aryan but over the time they have mixed up with local race.
maila dai
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Posted on 06-21-07 6:14
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If you guys are interested in finding out where your ancestors came from, check out this website. You can buy the Participation Kit which costs $99.95, send in your sample and you will get results in the mail. DNA don't lie and no need to speculate. https://www3.nationalgeographic.com/genographic/
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Posted on 06-21-07 6:16
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I do not know what's the fuss about. First of all Iran was not Iran then and I think historian have been able to trace evolution of human civilization aroung mediterrian sea, some river in china (huang-ho), and around greek area. They have found 8000 years old pottery and stuffs around that plave and they have not been able to track the history if indian civilization beyond 2000-2500B.C, harrappan civilization. And I read this some 3 years earlier, researcher thinks that most of the hindu religion was brought here by Aryans from Central Asia and they dominated the harappans and wrote Vedas and stuff. But I do not care man, eventually we all evolved from Monkeys or from Adam and Eve. Bottom line.
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Posted on 06-21-07 6:18
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anyway hushpuppy is an idiot, he thinks there are 2 billion people in nepal,,,,do some math dude " to think about it there's 2 billion popuation of Nepal and we have 33 billion gods and goddesses..so each indiv can have at least 15 gods in our pockects..so why the hell are we in so much trouble?????Very Very Ironic.. "
maila dai
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Posted on 06-21-07 6:34
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Some studies show all humans came from Africa. Source:
maila dai
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Posted on 06-21-07 6:35
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Posted on 06-22-07 1:01
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How about Mahabharat and Ramayan? Are they real story? Did Mahabharat really occured?? And if it did happen, then Indian civilization should be most civilized and educated scoiety. If Mahahrat is real then and if it happened 5000 years ago, then why dont modern scientist trace the origin of inian civilization or about Mahabharat? When human in rest of the world were still living in the caves, people in Indian region were able to write Ramayan and Mahabharat? IS it possible? If its real, why arent they mentioned in Western course book in universities or in western books. And if they are not real, why are we taught about those stories since we were kid and make us beleive that!!!!!!!!!
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Posted on 06-22-07 9:02
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The whole Aryan Invasion Theory is being refuted these days. Now they are saying that no such invasion took place in reality.
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Posted on 06-22-07 9:02
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hey guys, interesting conversations, but I don't think no one knows everything rights. In my experience, reading one or two source gets you no where. Now it is becoming religion issues here. In reality, I think it is bazar stuffs. According to sanyatta, there is 2 billion population in Nepal that is little more than Chana's popular. When hell did it happen? angalo