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 Decent and Inexpensive University
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Posted on 08-04-05 9:14 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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Can you guys please name some decent university which is not so expensive.

The information I am looking are

Name ofcourse.


Chances of getting a job (without which SS is not allowed)

Nepalese population.

Other valuable information.

It is for my cousin and I really fail to find anything that I can satisfy them with. It's fast becoming a pain. Please help.

I hear MN, IL and TX have some cheap universities. What about on the west and east side. Any state would do. East would be better I guess. Thanks in advance.

Posted on 08-05-05 1:09 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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No one? None?
Come on people. Give me some names and info please.

Posted on 08-05-05 1:21 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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Audacious Mitra:

Well, how to begin with you, since your lists of decent and inexpensive initially pinch my eyes, 'cause it sounds like "Sunmaa Sugandha" waala college/university. However, it does not mean that I could not find any measure to assist you.

Here you go-

University of Nebraska, Omaha
University of Central Oklahoma
Troy University Alabama
City Colege of New York
.................................... etc etc

This is all I can help, as all of my pals go to these universities and by reading their emails (once in a while), I realized they all are quite happy with their fellowcountrymen in their academic instituition with handful of jobs and quite a successful rate of degree completion.

Posted on 08-05-05 1:43 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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There are chances of free admission with assistantship in:

Harvard University
Stanford University
Massachussets Institute of Technology
Cornell University

If and only if,

you get score of 2390 in GRE and 665 in TOEFL( calculate new system) - Graduate level
Undergraduate Level - No chance.

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