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 This is how corrupt the deep state is

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Posted on 02-25-25 1:45 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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Posted on 02-25-25 2:15 PM     [Snapshot: 28]     Reply [Subscribe]
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You can do it too!!

Posted on 02-25-25 2:42 PM     [Snapshot: 76]     Reply [Subscribe]
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That autocorrect is not the same thing where you are instructing what to replace. This is something that Apple is doing by default.

Go to your messages and click on the microphone. Enable dictation if you haven’t already. And say “racist”.

It shows trump before changing to racist, just like in the video i shared above.

Democrats are too dumb to accept the truth that their masters are full of deception
Posted on 02-25-25 3:10 PM     [Snapshot: 120]     Reply [Subscribe]
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If your butt hurts, take it to court and sue them—since you have loyalists everywhere and the court can be bought, you can make them pay trillions.

Hey you missed this one:


 I guess AI is cra🤪

Last edited: 25-Feb-25 03:18 PM

Posted on 02-25-25 4:11 PM     [Snapshot: 201]     Reply [Subscribe]
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It is amazing to see MAGA conspiracy theorists continue to get stalked by the deep state. Just because Trump won the WH does not mean the deep state cannot rifle through your phones looking for anti-deep state activities. LOL!!

Posted on 02-25-25 6:33 PM     [Snapshot: 349]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Nepal08 of course you were clueless about this. You tried to put a fake wrong video to justify your lack of knowledge. But it’s ok. That’s how you guys roll.

About that AI video. Of course you clueless ppl have to depend on ai to create a fake reality for yourself.
Last edited: 25-Feb-25 11:58 PM

Posted on 02-25-25 6:35 PM     [Snapshot: 358]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Khaobadi, every time you get shut down by truth yet you come back lol lol haha what a loser. I don’t have time for ur ignorant ass.
Posted on 02-25-25 9:55 PM     [Snapshot: 505]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Trump is waging war on the deep state. ha ha.
The deep state is made up of, to a great extent of powerful jews in finance, communications, academia and politics. His own family is well stocked with Satanyahu operatives and his staff is full of Israel-firsters.
While he distracts the unwashed with DOGE and illegal migrants matters, he sends ship loads of 2000 pound bombs to Israel to better wipe out the Palestinians and finish demolishing Gaza. His son-in-law, the reptilian Kushner, wants to turn Gaza into another Miami Beach, full of Brooklyn jews.
Who is the grifter fooling?
Posted on 02-25-25 10:53 PM     [Snapshot: 564]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Real video of Hunter with a minor? Ha! Where are the charges, genius? That’s a serious crime, yet not a single charge. What’s your grand plan, walk into a courtroom and tell the judge, “Trust me, there’s a video out there somewhere”? You conspiracy-clown types love making up wild stories with zero proof, just like the “Dems laundering money” fairy tale. Big claims, no evidence, and no charges. Keep living in fantasy land.

Posted on 02-25-25 11:58 PM     [Snapshot: 676]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Here’s your evidence. But now that he’s been granted pardon he is above the law.

Posted on 02-26-25 12:04 AM     [Snapshot: 681]     Reply [Subscribe]
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You clueless clowns keep coming back with conspiracy theories. Haha keep em coming. You guys are nothing but democracy deniers. Trump won the election fair and square and you guys are nothing but whinney losers who don’t support the democratic right of a country to choose their president.

Just go live in a hole for 4 years or better go back to where you came from if you have problems accepting how democracy works in the US. 😂
Posted on 02-26-25 12:13 PM     [Snapshot: 995]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Oh, the irony! You spent the last four years curled up in a hole, refusing to accept that Biden won fair and square, and now you're here screeching about democracy? Adorable!
Posted on 02-26-25 12:23 PM     [Snapshot: 1010]     Reply [Subscribe]
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I am tired of trying to explain logic and common sense to you numbnuts. You will have to survive on your own. Just the fact that Trump won is enough for you Trump Derangement Syndrome whackos to keep twisting in schizophrenia in your graves. So enjoy the ride. I don't really need to explain anything. Everything is becoming evident every day.

Enjoy twisting under schizophrenia you fake news believers. Your hatred will create mental damage if is has not already and that's what you get for being dumb.
Posted on 02-26-25 3:08 PM     [Snapshot: 1138]     Reply [Subscribe]
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I hope your phone also did not get hacked by the deep state. LOL!!

Posted on 02-26-25 6:35 PM     [Snapshot: 1276]     Reply [Subscribe]
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I think "Deep state" and "Legacy media" are the two successful buzz words with the latest one "Fed Workers" . How stupid can people be to believe these nonsense.
Posted on 02-27-25 6:54 AM     [Snapshot: 1602]     Reply [Subscribe]
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I feel sorry for the brainwashed and clueless people with Trump Derangement Syndrome. Every breathing moment hearing about Trump winning the presidential election must be painful for them. Next four years and to be honest, I do not think the democrats will get another president for at least 12 more years. That’s how much Biden and his cronies effed up the party with their greed.

Keep coming up with more conspiracy theories to help you out during these difficult times.

Posted on 02-27-25 7:54 AM     [Snapshot: 1623]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Yes, there are grifter MAGA folks who over hype the fear of the deep state to scam their own MAGA followers/believers. However, many MAGA folks are genuinely scared about the deep state as the deep state has put many MAGA folks in deep legal troubles including putting many of these folks in prison.

Many MAGA folks continue to believe that despite Trump being in power the deep state will sabotage Trump and Trump agenda from inside the house. And, they are not totally wrong to be fearful. The deep state is indeed very resourceful and the MAGA crowd including Trump's circle genuinely lacks the art of state craft and governance as well as talent pool that possesses such attributes.

Posted on 02-27-25 10:22 AM     [Snapshot: 1828]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Lol you’d rather believe in the polls by someone with 114 thousand followers and who is pro democrat than believe someone with 214 million followers 🙊

"Leave the people stealing our money alone!"

Gotta love that attitude. Yep keep giving away 100's of billion dollars to Ukraine and all the other shit that DOGE is actually saving for you.
Last edited: 27-Feb-25 12:59 PM

Posted on 02-27-25 4:45 PM     [Snapshot: 2455]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Haha who can actually call themselves supporter of senile Biden with a straight face?
Posted on 02-27-25 4:56 PM     [Snapshot: 2465]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Isn't Benny Johnson the same guy who got paid by the Russians via intermediary to spread Russian misinformation/propaganda ?


Posted on 02-27-25 6:57 PM     [Snapshot: 2600]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Too dumb to focus on the messenger and not the message. Thats the kind of entitled BS that got Trump elected. You guys are clueless utterly brainwashed.

If someone said get away from your spot you are about to get hit by a truck, you’d be like hey you are known for spreading russian disinformation, and you will rest in peace.


BTW don’t respond to my threads you are too stupid to waste my time
Last edited: 27-Feb-25 06:58 PM


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