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 News Summary from Nepal for Monday, January 20, 2025
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Posted on 01-20-25 9:00 AM     Reply [Subscribe]
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All your Nepali news in one page!

Bringing your favorite news into one place January 20, 2025!

The Kathmandu Post | Read online latest news and articles from Nepal

  • Nepal lose to Scotland in U-19 Women’s T20 World Cup

  • Scotland secure a thrilling one-wicket victory, chasing Nepal’s 74-run target with eight balls to spare.

  • Repolarisation of alternative forces is the right way forward

  • Balendra Shah should be more open and transparent, interact with people and get involved in debates.

  • Trump’s crypto token surges to $11.7 billion market cap, bitcoin hits record high

  • Trump had on Friday launched the digital token with branding including an image from his attempted assassination in July.

  • 50-year-old Tilawe bridge crumbles. Repairs uncertain

  • Locals worry transportation will suffer if repairs aren’t done before the rainy season.

    कान्तिपुर - नेपालको राष्ट्रिय दैनिक, Online News and articles from Kantipur Daily

  • निर्यात व्यापार ३२ प्रतिशतले बढ्यो
  • मुलुकको निर्यात व्यापार ३२ प्रतिशतले बढेको छ । भन्सार विभागले सोमबार सार्वजनिक गरेको व्यापारको तथ्यांकअनुसार ६ महिनामा ९८ अर्ब ७८ करोड ९२ लाख रुपैयाँको वस्तु निर्यात भएको छ ।

  • जब्दीघाटमा छिट्टै पुल बन्ने मन्त्री दाहालको दाबी
  • सात वर्षअघि हस्तान्तरण नहुँदै भासिएको जब्दीघाटस्थित बबई पुल बजेट सुनिश्चिता भएपछि निर्माण कार्य अघि बढ्ने भएको छ । भौतिक पूर्वाधार तथा यातायातमन्त्री देवेन्द्र दाहालले सोमबार भत्किएको पुल अनुगमनपछि नयाँ पुल बन्ने बताएका हुन् ।


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