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 House Passes First Immigration Crackdown Bill
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Posted on 01-07-25 4:29 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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And 47 Democrats voted for it. Senate version coming this Friday.

Buckle up!!!!!!

Posted on 01-07-25 7:03 PM     [Snapshot: 172]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Congrats you made the list.

Posted on 01-08-25 2:07 PM     [Snapshot: 717]     Reply [Subscribe]
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I hope trump deport almost all educated and uneducated nepali so that we can go back and build our beautiful nation.Later sexy didi will also come back to nepal bored by american life.I wonder why there is so much ethnicities in small country nepal .There is no other country like nepal in this entire universe.12 jatt 36 barda from prithivi narayan shah time.i believe nepal used to attract people from other countries like usa is attracting right now .I wonder why nepal used to attract so many kinds of people it may be because of great landscape and weather which is favorable for living also may be for economic reason .but now it is turned into a shithole by politicians .We should make Nepal great again MNGA.
Posted on 01-08-25 2:18 PM     [Snapshot: 730]     Reply [Subscribe]
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They are going to deport everyone if they get it their way they had America is for Americans only rally. And SIS can critics other but can't take criticism, hope she does not delete your post.
Posted on 01-08-25 2:50 PM     [Snapshot: 827]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Good news on the way friends. Be joyous and cheerful
Posted on 01-08-25 2:58 PM     [Snapshot: 847]     Reply [Subscribe]
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pls Visit therapist sampurna .Its not end of the world even if you get bad immigration news.
Posted on 01-08-25 3:00 PM     [Snapshot: 846]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Hey everyone, let’s keep the discussion on topic! I know sometimes people ask very personal questions here. I try to answer without sharing private details, but some folks still push for more.

Any irrelevant comments will be removed to keep things focused.

Thanks for understanding!


Hanuman1, we all dream of something better, don’t we? But as the days slip by, debt keeps our feet firmly planted on the ground. It’s human nature to crave more, to hope that tomorrow will bring something brighter, something easier. Yet, before we know it, life becomes a blur of pill bottles on the counter and calendars filled with doctor’s appointments. The dream of going back to Nepal fades into a distant memory. And we tell ourselves, “I’m doing this for a better future for my kids.” But deep down, we know—it’s just a story we cling to, a lie we whisper to make it all feel worth it.


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