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Sexy In Sari
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 Trump Offers Dreamers Deal with Conditions
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Posted on 01-03-25 1:33 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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Trump offered a legalization program for 1.8 million DREAMers during his first presidency. And in a recent “Meet the Press” interview, he said he is open to working with Democrats on legislation that would permit DREAMers to remain in the United States. 


With 17 days left, Trump aims to secure a second term as Commander-in-Chief, proposing an immigration deal that includes protections for long-term TPS holders and Dreamers. The plan ends the Diversity Visa program, sibling sponsorships, and benefits TPS holders who have been in the U.S. for more than 10 years.

Note: He knows people living in the U.S. for more than 10 years are hard to deport under the law, specifically the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA) § 240A, which allows for cancellation of removal for long-term residents.

Posted on 01-03-25 2:16 PM     [Snapshot: 69]     Reply [Subscribe]
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DV lottery is not going anywhere . Forget about the TPS holders who resided here more than 10 yrs
Posted on 01-03-25 3:40 PM     [Snapshot: 188]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Good news is coming . Be joyous and cheerful
Posted on 01-03-25 9:08 PM     [Snapshot: 877]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Most Trump supporters probably won’t agree with everything he does on immigration, but if he can actually stop all the problems at the border, they’ll think it’s worth it, no matter what happens to the people already here. At the same time, there are two big supporters of his—Vivek and Elon Musk (some people call him “Mask-ji”)—who really want to bring in super skilled Indians. This might make it a little harder for IT workers from other countries to get opportunities. For Nepalese people, the best move is to get a good education in the U.S., learn a lot, and then take those smart ideas back to Nepal. If they do that, it could help Nepal grow and give the next generation a better future. I really hope it happens soon—like, the sooner these Nepalese graduates go back home, the better it will be for Nepal. Also, blaming politicians for everything isn’t smart these days. Sure, they have a big role, but real change happens when regular people step up, take responsibility, and work together. It’s not just about complaining—it’s about doing something to make things better.
Posted on 01-04-25 12:21 AM     [Snapshot: 1412]     Reply [Subscribe]
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If that is the case then why don't you go back and do something, or maybe you are the "poorly educated" the God emperor loves.
Posted on 01-06-25 12:34 AM     [Snapshot: 3906]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Hello Sexy In Sari,

Hope you are chilling in Boston !

I just want to ask you about --- TPS holders who have been in the U.S. for more than 10 years.

Do you think Trump is including them with Dreamers ?

Let us know if you have any positive news for TPSIANS.

Posted on 01-06-25 12:37 AM     [Snapshot: 3908]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Sampurna Pokhrel-


When good news is coming?

Is it regarding Extension of TPS for 18 months or do you have something else ?
Posted on 01-06-25 10:43 AM     [Snapshot: 4165]     Reply [Subscribe]
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There are 2 big announcements due from biden before teumps inauguration

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