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 What is *Black Job*?
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Posted on 06-28-24 1:42 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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During debate, trump said ' millions of people are allowed to come in through the border that is taking black jobs now" . For sure he will lose this election.
Posted on 06-28-24 2:32 PM     [Snapshot: 41]     Reply [Subscribe]
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May be some will put his nose in your anal stating what a stupid question> Someone did to me. He is scaring Black Voters saying that your job is & will be taken away by immigrants. Nepalese and Indian narcissist loved him because they align with his behavior and shit talking.
Posted on 06-28-24 3:15 PM     [Snapshot: 102]     Reply [Subscribe]
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I think biden lost the debate yesterday but trump didnt win either . All lies and lies only …
Posted on 06-28-24 3:22 PM     [Snapshot: 110]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Trump lied as usual, but Biden has no business running in this election. Not sure what Democrats are trying to do asking Biden to run the election. There are some rising stars in the party like Gavin Newson who would be ideal to run against Trump. That guy had the courage to debate Desantimonious in Fox moderated by Hannity. He almost destroyed Desanctimonious in that debate. If Trump wins this election, it's just because Joe Biden is the contender. He cannot even speak properly. Why would anyone not insane vote for him for the top political job in the country?
Posted on 06-28-24 3:26 PM     [Snapshot: 125]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Verytrue shree . Guys watch BIden speaking at the campaign rally in north carolina now. I think he has made a come back. We needed this in yesterdays debate. But today he proved to his audiences who he is .
Last edited: 28-Jun-24 03:26 PM

Posted on 06-28-24 4:13 PM     [Snapshot: 183]     Reply [Subscribe]
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कछुवा र खरायोको दौडमा स्वोभाभिक रुपमा कछुवाले जित्नु पर्ने हो तर खरायोको मुर्खताले परिणाम उल्टो भयो . ट्रंपको एउटा छुद्र बोलिले २२% काला जातिको भोट गुमाउने निश्चित छ . कसैलाई कटु सत्रु बनाउनु छ भने उसको समुदायलाइ गाली गर्नुस ,जस्तै मधेसी लाइ "ए मर्श्या" नेवार लाइ " ए न्यार", शेर्पा लाइ "ए भोटे " भंदिनुस उसले तपाईलाइ जिन्दगि भर माफ गर्ने छैन . ट्रंपको जिब्रो चिप्लिएको हैन , उसले छोपेर राखेको कालो मनको पर्दा अलिकति खुस्किएको हो . बाइडेन बृध छ, उसको ४ बर्से कार्यकालमा अम्रिकाले खासै प्रगति नगर्ला तर ट्रंप जितेर आयो भने एउटा सिंगो अमिरिकी जेनेरेसनलाइ रेसिस्ट, स्वार्थी र उल्लु बनाएर जाने छ .
Posted on 06-28-24 5:36 PM     [Snapshot: 269]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Biden didn't perform well but He is the man that can keep America great.
Posted on 06-28-24 9:36 PM     [Snapshot: 414]     Reply [Subscribe]
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बल्ल पण्डित ले बुझेछन कुरा , खुसि लाग्यो |

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