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 Is it advisable for me to spend time with a girl when I know she is also spending time with other guys?
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Posted on 08-07-23 11:33 AM     [Snapshot: 16]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Casual sex with consent is completly ok just use good layer of protection .

I have a casual hangout with my store associste who happens to be a nepali student and she has a full time boyfriend .
I also had a good quality time with my tenant during covid time , her husband was in nepal.

The taste of food and sex should be change once in a while otherwise life gets too boring. Infact, i would say a man sbould spend half of his saving in taste of food, sex and nature .

Work hard , be rich and spend money koz you only live Once ..
Posted on 08-07-23 2:24 PM     [Snapshot: 101]     Reply [Subscribe]
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What a fucked up analogy on taking naked picture for evidence ?

As Nas mentioned some part of the Nation people loose their virginity fucking donkey. You better be that man and take picture how the donkey was enjoying to, as well for evidence that you are no more virgin.

Could not stop laughing and unposting second paragraph.
Posted on 08-07-23 3:57 PM     [Snapshot: 140]     Reply [Subscribe]
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I do believe most of the stuffs you write but I just could not understand the kind of mentality here especially in that Nepali girl going to school.

"I have a casual hangout with my store associate who happens to be a nepali student and she has a full time boyfriend."

Consensual sex is debatable, but a student and then a Nepali girl indulging in sex affairs outside her boyfriend's life...this is disgusting. May be I am too conservative for these people.

I do not trust you 100%, thanks to all your bizarre ranting you do at times, but this following statements really made me sick.

"By the way, I made a mistake in the past by recording our intimate moments on my phone just in case it's us both consenting."

No wonder the sex videos reach out to the porn sites quite easily and they stay there for time immemorial for your grandkids to devour.

Posted on 08-07-23 5:11 PM     [Snapshot: 177]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Another day, another shit post from kavre asking for attention!

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