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 Balen and Routine of Nepal Banda mysterious entry to Uk and USA respectively.
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Posted on 03-30-23 5:14 AM     Reply [Subscribe]
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It seems like Balen helped Victor Paudel (Ronb) to obtain a visa to the US by using their populism based bargain to get the American Embassy in Maharjgunj and Kamaladi to remove the Nepali police barricade on the footpath near the embassy and residence.

Victor got his Visa in the time Nepali are still struggling to get visa appointment.
Last edited: 30-Mar-23 05:15 AM
Last edited: 30-Mar-23 05:15 AM
Last edited: 30-Mar-23 05:29 AM

Posted on 03-30-23 11:33 AM     [Snapshot: 84]     Reply [Subscribe]
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the barricade is still there
Posted on 03-30-23 12:09 PM     [Snapshot: 116]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Yes it's still there. But the people who raised the issue is not in Nepal.

Balen probably bargain for routiney US visa appointment and guaranteefor keeping it as it is. As we all are aware the it's impossible to get appointment date as per current situation infact even the cgi site is not loading to book an interview.
Last edited: 30-Mar-23 12:10 PM
Last edited: 30-Mar-23 12:11 PM
Last edited: 30-Mar-23 12:11 PM

Posted on 03-30-23 12:44 PM     [Snapshot: 132]     Reply [Subscribe]
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First, I felt so ignorant reading all this. Who is this Victor Poudel? What is RONB? Why is there barricade near the US embassy? What is this "populism based bargain"? What is this "cgi site" now?
I did some googling in my part to know who is this guy called Victor now. I feel so so behind with all what is happening in Nepal currently. Thanks to you, xkavre for letting us know what is going on there.
As far as my knowledge serves, yeah there is a pretty long wait to get the visa appointment now. I have never even imagined now you have to wait like 575 days!!! to get the visitor visa interview. Man!! it's a torture! I think Ram Bhakta or Underwear did say one time earlier that they can give you early visa interview appointment if you have some kind of emergency explained or documented and submitted to the embassy. They know better. 

But now, how do Balen or either Victor got the visa to US, now them being people with certain stature in Nepal, I think that helps in getting the visitor visas easily I believe. I do not know if Balen presented any emergency reasons to visit US as such, as we all saw him rapping or acting to his rap song on the streets of US, so I do not know what reasons he might have cited to come to US. Same with Victor.
We can only guess, right?

Last edited: 30-Mar-23 01:20 PM

Posted on 03-30-23 5:42 PM     [Snapshot: 213]     Reply [Subscribe]
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You comment reading the content . If s/he keep changing or deleting the original thread commented thread may look silly or senseless.
Posted on 04-06-23 8:26 AM     [Snapshot: 583]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Who the hell is Balen?
Posted on 04-09-23 10:59 AM     [Snapshot: 741]     Reply [Subscribe]
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