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 Unpopular opinion Nepal immigration should regulates entry of American in Nepal.
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Posted on 03-13-23 11:48 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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From American pedophile to Christian missionary

From being responsible for war crime to operating organisation like American red cross

From being terrorist to opening organisation like peace corps nepal.

From being Racist to fascist

From redn@ck to Ni@@@ to NRN

Every one with certain agenda are coming to Nepal.
While calling us to gather paper work when we enter there nation when all these hippies and back packer are coming her to beg money to travel. These American are threat to Nepal national security and for nepalese citizen.

Why Nepal immigration is not regulating its visa properly?

Posted on 03-14-23 4:04 PM     [Snapshot: 62]     Reply [Subscribe]
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बोका ले दाइँ हुने भए गोरु किन चाइयो ?
Posted on 03-15-23 5:24 PM     [Snapshot: 220]     Reply [Subscribe]
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I think it's already happining somewhere in this vast universe with parallel words with quantum physics and unlimited possibilities. I am sure there is a world somewhere in this far galaxy of parallel universe where Nepal is much richer and powerful than USA. Where 139 some US dollars is one Nepali rupee. Where our brothers and sisters dont have to go work all over the world and in contarty people from USA are jumping the wall to get into Nepal and work in momo industry etc..Im sure with such high demands and desires to immigratebto Nepal on that world, Nepali immigration is so power ful to inforce such immigration rules that they periodically search and deport poor Americans. I wonder if i put these in chat gpt and ask it to write a book for me it becomes the best fictional in amazon.
Posted on 03-15-23 10:30 PM     [Snapshot: 291]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Are you  high sidaNepali ??
Last edited: 15-Mar-23 10:30 PM


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