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 Side Hustle
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Posted on 02-10-23 2:04 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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U.S. border agents give rides to Quebec-bound migrants as side hustle, sources tell Radio-Canada

"U.S. border patrol agents are driving Quebec-bound asylum seekers to the irregular border crossing on Roxham Road in exchange for money, picking up groups of people in nearby Plattsburgh, N.Y., while off duty, sources tell Radio-Canada.


One source said "this has been known for a few months," adding that several agents are involved, but the exact number is unknown. 

This situation has been reported to Canadian authorities, according to Radio-Canada sources.

Many people looking to cross into Canada use a regular bus line to get to Plattsburgh,which is about 30 minutes away from Roxham Road. 

From there, they walk through a wooded passage, enter Canada and seek asylum."


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