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Posted on 12-03-22 2:15 AM     Reply [Subscribe]
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The term Astrology is also a code. Astro....knowledge, Astro is Sator which means saviour and also
Rotas which means wheel. Note the original Tarot deck came out of ancient India and was called
Rotas. The wheel is the cosmic man the Purusha the Zodiac. The Rotas or Taro cards are the ten
planets and 12 signs of the Zodiac along with the four decks for the four elements that also relate to
the placement of the Rotas or wheel of the Zodiac. The ancients knew about the ten planets you can
note this on Sumerian artefacts.
The enemy loves to claim the Tarot is from the Jewish Kabbalah. They are not they were stolen.
"Gypsies, as most people realize did not come from Egypt but rather India. It begins to sound
plausible that perhaps the Gypsies brought cards from India to Europe in their wanderings,
especially considering the fact that playing cards were known among the Indians. These cards were
broken into different numbers of suits than the European decks that exist, which almost always have
four suits, however, the gods depicted on the Indian cards sometimes held a cup, coin, sword, and
scepter one in each of the god's four hands, suggesting a possible relationship between these Indian
cards and the European suit signs. "[1]
Later at some point the enemy corrupted this with their Hebrew Kabbalah. The enemy Church also
condemned the Tarot as the Devil's game.
The reason the Pagan New Year is March 21 is due to the sun being in Aries this is the date to start
the Opus by. Which gives the clue to the letter Gera which is Yeram in the ancient runes. This is the
letter of Aries, The Ram which starts the wheel of the year which Jeram, Yeram, Gera also
symbolizes in the runic letters. Aries is the Ram and Ram is also the mantra of this symbol in the
east and west. The Lamb of Aries as well, which was stolen into the Agnus Dei the Lamb of God.
Which originally is Agni Dev the symbol of the God Agni. Who was the head god of Rome later
know as Janus. There are still ancient fresco's of Pagan Roman Priest dressed the same way Hindu
Brahman's do in India and doing the same Vedic fire altar rituals they still do in Hindu India, to
The Agnus Dei is shown with the symbol relating to all the chakras:The symbol the Angus Dei is showing is the use of the mantra RA or RAM to vibrate into all the
chakras which are shown with the solar cross on them to denote this with the chariot of RA
meditation as HPS Maxine posted. This is ancient and from Egypt and such done by Yogi's in Hindu
India as an important meditation. This is the birth of the new soul which starts on this date. The
symbol of each chakra in the Angus Dei is the symbol of the fifth rune of Ra which is the chariot
wheel. And the wheels are the chakras. Chakra meaning wheel of RA. The chakras are called the
seven souls of RA in Egypt.
The Sator the saviour is the Magnum Opus which is based on the knowledge of Astrology and how
it ties into the soul. The 72 of the enemy comes from the Zodiac the Templars called it the number
of Man because its the number of the wheel of the year. The Zodiac is the cosmic man the Jews
stole this with their Adam Kadmon. The 72 relates to the decans and the four quadrants each getting
18 and thus adding up to 72. The Greeks and the Egyptians also had this in their religion where the
Jews stole this from.
The 24 Greek letters where divided up into the Soma Sophia the body of the Zodiac for their use in
the Opus. The enemy stole this and corrupted it in the book of Revelations the 24 Elders before the
throne of God was originally Greek. The 24 Gods the letters sitting before the Throne which was
the IAO of Zeus. Each letter was a Pagan Greek deity and also had longer mantra's of each letter
based on the Deity it ruled. That included the open titles of the deity. The Hebrew Teth letter was
stolen from the Greek, Egyptian name Thoth which is also a letter. The Jews just changed out the
That is why the Torah condemns Astrology by penalty of death for Gentiles. Because the Jews want
to remove the knowledge of spirit and enlightenment from the Gentiles and keep occult knowledge
for themselves only to use against the Goyim.


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