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 Time for payback!! TRUMP VS BIDEN
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Posted on 10-19-22 11:09 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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My name’s Mike Howell. And I’m writing today to let you know that as the Director of The Heritage Foundation’s Oversight Project, I will not let up until I have done everything to expose the Biden regime.

You see, my time working as the oversight counsel in the Department of Homeland Security for the Trump administration taught me some valuable lessons.

I learned firsthand the dirty tricks leftist bureaucrats and liberal activists used to harass and frustrate conservatives.

I spent day and night fending off incessant demands from the activist groups who work hand-in-hand with Leftist politicians, journalists, and bureaucrats to advance the left’s Marxist agenda.

These groups stubbornly mounted their own investigations. They filed endless FOIA requests. They sued us. They fed unfair media assaults with unceasing propaganda.

They targeted us professionally—but they also targeted us personally.

I saw just how far the Deep State would go to thwart former President Trump and the conservative reform agenda … and they’re still at it today!

But now the tables are turned, and this is your chance to give the Left a taste of their own medicine—to do to them what they’ve been doing to us for years.

It’s time to go on offense.

Today I’m looking for leaders like you who are ready to fight back against the Radical Left by supporting our most aggressive investigative initiative to date—The Heritage Oversight Project.

This new initiative will unleash the full investigative powers of The Heritage Foundation to pressure and embarrass the Leftist regime through a flood of strategic FOIA requests, lawsuits, and investigative reports—all on your behalf.

And by partnering with this special project now, you can hold leftist government officials—and their special interest allies—accountable for their outrageous abuse of power.

Join the fight to hold the left accountable by partnering with this special project using the link below.


You deserve action. You deserve lawsuits that get answers. And you deserve true accountability before it’s too late—the time to act is now.

Thanks for standing with us,

Mike Howell
Oversight Project Director

P.S. As someone who dealt daily with an endless barrage of FOIA requests, lawsuits, and media attacks, I can tell you just how effective these methods can be! It’s time we conservatives make the left play by their own rules. Make your gift now: https://secured.heritage.org/oversight-project/

The Heritage Foundation

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