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 Why many people hate H1B visa and permanently leave America ?
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Posted on 09-06-22 2:40 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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Posted on 09-08-22 8:48 PM     [Snapshot: 248]     Reply [Subscribe]
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It took me about 12 years to get H1B visa, but it never came to my mind to leave USA, or go to any other country such as Canada. If you somehow get inside USA, most people will not leave USA unless they get deported, and are forced to leave by immigration. Canada might be good, but nothing compared to USA.
Posted on 09-08-22 11:24 PM     [Snapshot: 284]     Reply [Subscribe]
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US/Canada ma gayera ni Nepali le khane bhanya 10 rupya ko parle G nai ho? haha, baru maile Nepal mai OREO khanxu. Malai american yei, malai japan pani yei.
Posted on 09-09-22 11:54 AM     [Snapshot: 368]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Is that Nepal made Oreo or some exported Oreo you have? I was there in Nepal recently but did not have any Oreo, but yes I did have some cheap copies of bigger brand biscuits there, but it is okay. I am not complaining.
Regarding the guy in the video and him having Parle G even in India or Canada, the take away point I get from this whole situation is that they have Indian products everywhere around the world and that they love their stuffs wherever they are. Another example is Amul butter available everywhere and how much Indians love it.
I think this also culminated from the fact that for a lot of years, India banned the imported stuff to their country, right? Now I understand this regulation has loosened a bit. Correct me if I am wrong.

Posted on 09-10-22 4:03 AM     [Snapshot: 494]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Harka … Nepal mai oreo khako na bhandinay ho Ki ???
Posted on 09-10-22 7:45 PM     [Snapshot: 596]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Selling desi food items to desi people is actually very viable business.



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