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 degree outside US
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Posted on 08-24-22 11:51 AM     Reply [Subscribe]
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Hello all,

I wanted some information on getting a Masters degree from outside the US while staying here.
My area of interest: Public health, Data analytics, medical devices.

Goal is to complete degree at as low a cost as possible but continue to learn and grow.
I'm in need of some good suggestions for the names of schools in India, the Philippines or anywhere trustworthy.
Please advise!

Posted on 08-24-22 4:32 PM     [Snapshot: 48]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Find cheaper schools in the USA or there several
ways to LEARN & GROW
Posted on 08-24-22 6:44 PM     [Snapshot: 95]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Public health is free in Europe mostly holland .its 100% online . But you have to be there atleast once in six months . 1 year to 1.5 year degree. Public health comes with data analysts, must have excellent data collection processing and proposal writing skills .its worth .
Posted on 09-05-22 1:16 PM     [Snapshot: 402]     Reply [Subscribe]
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@edv2023: Thanks, any college's
names you have in mind ?

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