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 Nepalis stranded in Ukraine (potentially 3500 still in Ukraine)
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ukraine nepali war
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Posted on 03-08-22 11:35 AM     Reply [Subscribe]
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Of the estimated 4,000 Nepalis trapped by the Russian invasion of Ukraine, only about 400 have managed to escape to neighbouring countries. Among the many who are still in Ukraine are six Nepalis stuck at the frontlines of the war zone in the breakaway province of Luhansk.

As with many events, who is helping these helpless students? They probably did not believe that the war would happen, much like a lot of people in Ukraine at the time.

What is the Foreign Minister of Nepal doing to help them?

If you or your family member/friend is stuck, use this information to try to get any help.:


To register for assistance, Sewa is asking people to complete an online form at -- https://bit.ly/SewaUkraineHelpline.

More information related to Sewa's Ukraine relief efforts can be accessed at https://linktr.ee/sewaeurope, https://www.facebook.com/SewaEuropeOfficial, or https://www.instagram.com/sewaeurope.

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