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Posted on 09-19-21 9:35
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https://thehill.com/homenews/senate/572956-senate-parliamentarian-deals-blow-to-democrats-immigration-reform-plan?amp&__twitter_impression=true There goes away the chance fkin hell, why the hell dems can’t use their power to overrule senate parliamentarian decision?
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Posted on 09-19-21 9:40
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TheDemocrats have no spine. When Moscow Mitch was in power. He passed tax reform. He held Supreme Court nomination and put 3 judges in single presidential term. Now democrats will tuck their tail between their legs and blame the senate parliamentarian instead of over ruling her
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Posted on 09-19-21 9:42
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Senate Majority Leader Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.) on Sunday night said Democrats would take an alternative proposal to MacDonough.
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Posted on 09-19-21 9:59
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Yeah this was a major blow for dems, if it was McConnell and important to him he would have fire her and pass the bill anyhow, pusssies dems Now I guess only Vice President can overrule senate parliamentary decision, but man I did not expected that!! Since Senate make the rules why not ignore her and just proceed, fkin dems
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Posted on 09-19-21 10:03
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People are already enraged like wildfire in Twitter and Facebook already
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Posted on 09-19-21 10:18
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Democrats promised pathways and then no one ever heard dumb suddi senate parliamentarian comes in and block immigration wtfff bhanya jasto k, it’s like she is the president of United States, what a fkin irony!! I feel like now dems are gonna say we tried but parliamentarian rejected it, call it a day and move on!! Fkin dems There goes my one easy chance to get pathway fkin hell fcukkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk
kamila ko dumbell
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Posted on 09-19-21 10:30
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Correct Username.. Dems have not done much policy wise. Given that the republicans have not made it easy but if the roles were reversed Repubs/GOP would have rammed through their agendas. They will probably submit another proposal to make it seem like "hey look we tried our best". Also, based on the reason given by Parliamentarian no Immigration proposal will be accepted. Only way to pass this now it by overruling Senate Parliamentarian but I don't think Dems have the balls.
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Posted on 09-19-21 10:44
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Yeah I don’t see any other way beside overruling the parliamentary decision which I am they aren’t gonna do that, bunch of hypocrites dems, damn they ruin millions of lives — they are gonna lose votes now for next election and other stuff
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Posted on 09-19-21 11:59
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Some fruitful news will be out soon .
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Posted on 09-20-21 12:47
AM [Snapshot: 339]
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@sanaklal guru when is your prediction ever gonna be true lol haha, but now more than ever we need your prediction to be true
Last edited: 20-Sep-21 12:47 AM
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Posted on 09-20-21 7:48
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Democrat le yo year border tight garya bhoe chance thyo immigration reform. Border ma yo year matra 3 million xhirisake; public opinion completely against immigration. I blame Democrats. Their actions is worse for immigrants already in the country, than Trump. Still have some hope because Democrats have some pressure on them. But they can’t just blame republicans and get away anymore.
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Posted on 09-20-21 9:43
AM [Snapshot: 555]
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Yeah border is fked, but I still don’t get why the heck senate democrats is listening to unelected senate parliamentarian, it looks like they are just trying to find excuses not to include immigration, if those hypocrites dems really care, they can use the senate power to ignore her