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 Underwear and other Sajha Denizen beef!
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Posted on 05-13-20 4:30 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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I am pretty sure Sajha has seen quite a bit of surge in traffic after COVID-19 pandemic, earlier We got to read and reread all the posting and comments and in recent days we cannot even keep up with the posts, let alone reading all the comments. We longed for Underwears anecdotes. I feel Underwear is also getting cabin fever, he is responding to every comments made against him and picking petty fights every now and then. I don't see anything wrong in that, however fans like me get disappointed when he just responds with 1 liners from Underwear... We need more(reference to 50shades of Gray)... anyways...thank you to all the Shajhaits for keeping us entertained... biggest thanks to Underwear for his Unabashed Prose... Underwear is like Minotaur standing there...others are like Icarus flying too close to sun, burning and crashing...until we get someone who can slay the Minotaur, we'll get some good humour during these trying times...Jai hos

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