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 Mechanical Engineering Job related, help
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Posted on 07-22-19 1:31 AM     Reply [Subscribe]
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will graduate next year with a B.S in Mechanical Engineering. Any tips from other engineers in sajha who can share their experience on getting their first job.
Also are there any consultancies in engineering like the IT industry?
Any input will be appreciated.
Jai Nepal
Jai America.
Posted on 07-22-19 3:48 PM     [Snapshot: 127]     Reply [Subscribe]
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I was a civil engineer . found first job without internship but i was lucky i will say . unless you have a good internship experince and glowing resume dont try job boards like indeed or monster. its waste of time . since you are international student and lack of work workexperince gives enough reasons to reject your resume . its very very hard . Tips for you
1) If you had good relation with your professor ask help with him . they have many industry connections usually .
2) Check craigslist .
3) Check yellow pages of your city and target companies that match your domain and shortlist them and check their website . many companies post job on their website not on job boards .
4) good search with keywords " manufactures near zipcode xxxx" " engineering consulatants near zipcode xxx" and so forth and repeat step 3
5) when applying for job try to email to hiring authority if possible. try to find engineering managers email or hrs email rathert than career @ xyz.com
6) give a try to jobbyfax.com . they fax resume to multiple companies insetad of email. give a try .
7) always make your resume stand out . rather than using plain see whats current trend in market . see how can your resume catch eye . make your projects shine by making them interesting . Designed suction pump for a group project sounds dull. Designed state of the art Pumping system for a model home using Raspberry pi micrcontroller and sensors xyz using abc theory to demonstrate blah blah blah .
thats all i can think of . my experience say niche it down . dont do what everyone else is doing .

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