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 Restaurant opportunity in Nepal
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Posted on 07-04-19 8:56 AM     Reply [Subscribe]
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Have you worked in an American restaurant (fast food, sit-in, carry out)? Pizza joints?

Are you contemplating on returning back? If yes, then this is a unique and a perfect opportunity. I'm a returnee and I'm currently involved in (and own a few businesses in Nepal). I've got a sweet spot (35 seater restaurant) at a prime location (literally over 30 offices). But I haven't been able to give enough time and that's why it hasn't been as profitable as it could've been.

Here's what I'll offer. Experience/support to run/operate the restaurant fully. I can look after hiring/purchases etc.

What I seek = someone that's got experience and has a passion for running a restaurant and perhaps, cooking/introducing a few items.

If you're serious, we can discuss this further on viber/fb etc.

Thank you.

Posted on 07-04-19 11:00 AM     [Snapshot: 60]     Reply [Subscribe]
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How do you get the restaurant supply ? Esp ingredients, sauces, and other food supply? Is there a warehouse? How do you keep up with the supply ?
Posted on 07-04-19 4:17 PM     [Snapshot: 212]     Reply [Subscribe]
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What’s the location?
Posted on 07-08-19 4:18 AM     [Snapshot: 552]     Reply [Subscribe]
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It is located in Lalitpur.

@mangale, not sure if your question is relevant to this discussion. Feel free to message me if you need tips.
Posted on 07-08-19 6:41 AM     [Snapshot: 579]     Reply [Subscribe]
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What is the price and weekly average sale , how many employees, sq feet, do you have delivery service . We are looking for expansion in Is there room to grow?
Octane restro and bar , Durbar marg
Posted on 07-08-19 9:39 AM     [Snapshot: 659]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Jerimiah: Laitpur is अ vague answer and it seems answers are coming in installment?. Is it Lagankhel, Jawlakhel, Patan bazzar, Satdobato or Harisiddi , where ?
As Cool said: provide detail information about your business so prospective partners will have clear idea and if you have business partner there will be less miscommunication and will be less fight if things do not go well.
Posted on 07-08-19 12:25 PM     [Snapshot: 752]     Reply [Subscribe]
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30-40 seater. Deliver service exists. There are more than 40 offices nearby, including the UN house. It is located within 100 meters from the UN house.

Sales haven't been that great as I haven't really put in decent amount of time. Total monthly expenses including wages, electricity, water bill, rent is less than 2 lakh. We do deliver via foodmandu. Number of employees is 7-8. Size is about 700-800 sq feet.
Posted on 07-08-19 2:42 PM     [Snapshot: 815]     Reply [Subscribe]
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What kind of food is in service right now , and is there a place to expand beyond 700 sq foot?
Posted on 07-09-19 2:04 AM     [Snapshot: 1077]     Reply [Subscribe]
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No room for expansion.

We serve Pasta, Sandwiches, Continental, and Nepali, some chinese items. Our desserts come from a renowned bakery. We also do lunch boxes.
Posted on 07-09-19 8:59 AM     [Snapshot: 1142]     Reply [Subscribe]
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यो उत्कृस्ट एबम ख्याति प्राप्त भर्जनी ( बेकरी) का पकवान चाखने इच्छा प्रबल भयो | नाम र पाइने ठेगाना बताई दिनु भए काठमाण्डौ छिरिएको बेला अबस्य चाख्छु / चाख्नेछु |
Last edited: 09-Jul-19 09:04 AM

Posted on 07-11-19 1:29 PM     [Snapshot: 1330]     Reply [Subscribe]
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sure thing. kathmandu aunu huda samparka garnu hola!

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