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 Wife Interview at US Embassy in Kathmandu for F2A(spousal visa)
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Posted on 05-03-19 4:41 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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Can anyone please share their experience if their  wife/husband recently went for interview at US Embassy in KTM for spousal visa? Any input would really be appreciated and it would help us be prepared on what to expect? kasto question haru sodcha and all ? I have been following visajourney but there aren't enough review/feedback from fellow Nepalese members.

Ani mero arko situation k cha bhane mero GC is through Asylum and got married in india. Temple ma bihe garera(arya Samaj) local registrar ma register gare ani later regular traditional way le pani gariyo. Submitted both temple ko certiticate and registar ko certificate.
Do you think that would be any issue at the interview ? Koi saathi with similar experience please fill me in.

PS: No trolls please.
Last edited: 03-May-19 04:41 PM


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