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 Why revealing dress and rape may actually be related
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Posted on 11-13-18 11:15 AM     Reply [Subscribe]
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This article is not about blaming the victims nor is it about justifying some men’s heinous crime. This article is also not about determining what someone should wear or not. This article is not about judging anyone who got raped on what they were wearing -  but about how to possibly reduce chances of it happening by using careful common sense judgment of the place and people one will be in surrounding of. 

In today's liberal media dominated world, people are easily offended by opinions that may be different from generally accepted trend.

As women's rights have been withheld and abused for centuries, today we value feminist values a lot more than before, and rightfully so. One of the biggest abuse of women is rape which is the most heinous crime against women, which of lately has been on the rise specially in our country Nepal. Obviously, stringent laws will help deter such things but sometimes - if anything can even possibly reduce any chances of such atrocity then it has to be considered for sake of preventing the worst scenario.

There has been uncountable discussions in the east and west about the relationship between a woman's choice of clothes and rape. The final agreement has generally been that it's not the woman's clothes but the man's character that is the cause of rape. This final agreement has encouraged women to be bold and continue to dress up as they choose, as they should be able to.

I am 100% in agreement with the notion that women should be able to dress up the way they choose to, and there must be more stringent laws against rape to deter any prospective rapist. In addition,  it seems like it might actually be wise to consider the following illustration.

As we all know, individual lives are highly influence by value of commodity. For a poor person barely having enough to eat, it might be tempting to grab food left on the table outside a restaurant. A rich person may not pick up a quarter on the street while a relatively poor person might simply pick up the coin. Combined with the value of commodity, there is an intrinsic propensity of desperate measures during desperate times.

If you are walking in the street, flashing few hundred dollar bills in your pocket, there might be a person in need who will be more likely to try to steal/rob those hundred dollar bills from your pocket if he can. There have been many cases where people have lost their lives for as little as $10.  There might be another person who does not have a need for those hundred dollar bills and for that person, seeing that $$$ does not make any difference.

In the same way, here's the tricky part. Human beings may have different sexual drives, and some may be more in need of sexual gratification than others. Some may have a higher propensity of being desperate for it than others. Seeing exposed skin or revealing clothes may act like the hundred dollar bills exposed to a desperate man and can possibly drive the person to steal/rob the commodity of value. On a counter note, people might get robbed even without being flashy depending on what kind of neighborhood it is, so there are many variables involved that one need to be aware of.

Ideally, no one should be stealing/robbing/killing for others' money, but it keeps happening. We cannot just say this is not right and have to prepare for the bad possible reality. Rape is happening more frequently these days than before, and perhaps it will make sense to consider the above scenario, rather than to take the high road and denounce the premise, because it's more prudent to hide your $$$ than to flash it around in wrong places in front of wrong people.

Image result for against rape

Last edited: 15-Nov-18 05:33 PM

Posted on 11-13-18 1:47 PM     [Snapshot: 154]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Posted on 11-13-18 7:10 PM     [Snapshot: 376]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Last edited: 17-Nov-18 03:02 PM

Posted on 11-14-18 2:26 PM     [Snapshot: 821]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Well.. its not necessary that only the exposed bills gets robbed. Its the human mind, emotions and greed.. that tends to drive humans to act inhumane. And its not that the rapes are happening more frequent these days.. this is the world of social media and everyone is informed more quicker and easier, people don't have to wait for a certain time for a national news channel to read the news...
Posted on 11-14-18 3:05 PM     [Snapshot: 870]     Reply [Subscribe]
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One should not have to resort to such raw example to get the point across but it is what it is. If you flash your $$$ in wrong neighborhood or in front of wrong people, they may rob you. Obviously it's not necessary that you will get robbed only if you expose the money. But if someone with evil intent is close by then such exposure will have more chances of ending up badly.

This is not in any way a defense of men or their action. It is simply a common sense request to keep something in mind if it may prevent something worse.
Posted on 11-15-18 9:00 AM     [Snapshot: 1210]     Reply [Subscribe]
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The question is, what's wrong with wearing clothes that cover your body parts? By body parts I mean, those and those? Is it that hard?

Posted on 11-15-18 3:29 PM     [Snapshot: 1395]     Reply [Subscribe]
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NIRMALA pant was dress sober, some 70 + woman got raped in Nepal and some few years old baby ..most of the rape victims are not revealing but they are vulnerable..they need protection and stick law in the society against rapists
Posted on 11-16-18 7:20 AM     [Snapshot: 1674]     Reply [Subscribe]
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What do you think 3 year old children, Nirmala or an old grandmother who were all raped were wearing? It's the mindset of our male dominated society which thinks that women are objects of their desire and lust. Please use your common sense before giving such baseless "wahiyat" conclusion. A women wearing a burkha is raped. A child inside a damn temple. So no this is stupidity and ignorance from your part.
Posted on 11-16-18 10:39 AM     [Snapshot: 1776]     Reply [Subscribe]
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This is the same reasoning my parents give me. Looks like this was written from the perspective of father or mother. They would rather have you take all the precautions you can if it means it can even protect you 1%.

I know many women are looking at this in emotional way, and ignoring the practical aspect of it. Crime can happen at any time without any apparent reason, but if there is anything I can do to avoid it, then simply why not. If I know I have to walk through an isolated place late at night then I do try my best to not wear provocative clothes because this is not about women's right but it's about knowing the reality and doing my best to be safe.
Posted on 11-16-18 10:56 PM     [Snapshot: 1913]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Last edited: 17-Nov-18 03:03 PM

Posted on 11-17-18 1:24 AM     [Snapshot: 1965]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Totally agree with Missdurga. Take every precaution you can. Humans are capable of doing anything anytime. Laws won't be there to protect you when u need it.
Posted on 11-19-18 8:37 PM     [Snapshot: 2643]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Rape is not a crime primarily motivated by lust, but by dominance and control. The perpetrator sees the victim as someone they can use, without rights or power to stop them. If it we're lust only, the could suduce someone willingly.
Posted on 11-20-18 10:54 AM     [Snapshot: 2844]     Reply [Subscribe]
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I have seen some comments which said rape is not about sex but about power and control. That just seems like an oxymoron statement. Rape is first and foremost about sex. After sex, maybe it's about power. No one without sex drive will even consider raping someone.

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