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 Breaking news: Assassination style shooting in Kathmandu in broad daylight
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Posted on 10-09-17 7:22 AM     Reply [Subscribe]
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President of Federation of Contractors Association Sharad Kumar Gauchan in Kathmandu has been killed in Kathmandu. The victim was riding in car when unidentified person threw bricks to break the window. Then, an assailant riding in motorcycle shot the victim. 

KATHMANDU: The President of Federation of Contractors Association of Nepal Sharad Kumar Gauchan has been shot dead in Kathmandu on Monday.

Two motorcycle borne assailants had attacked Gauchan who was inside the vehicle at Kharibot in Shantinagar, KMC-32, this afternoon, according to police.

It has been learned that Gauchan sustained bullet injuries in his stomach.

Gauchan was rushed to the nearby Civil Service Hospital in New Baneshwor where he breathed his last during treatment, according to police.

Police have intensified the manhunt and beefed up security in the valley.

Meanwhile, the motive behind the shooting is yet to be established.

The vehicle construction entrepreneur Sharad Kumar Gauchan was riding before he was murdered, in Baneshwor, on Monday, October 9, 2017.

Kathmandu, October 9

Construction entrepreneur Sharad Kumar Gauchan who was injured after receiving a bullet attack in Naya Baneshwor of Kathmandu this afternoon has died.

The businessman had received two bullets in his stomach and died during treatment at the Civil Service Hospital, according to police.

Police say he was attacked after he just got off his vehicle (Ba 13 Cha 4948). Police have arrested his driver for further investigation.

Last edited: 09-Oct-17 07:31 AM

Posted on 10-09-17 12:39 PM     [Snapshot: 307]     Reply [Subscribe]
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The entire construction department of nepal is run by mafias who use young thugs to intimidate and win contracts and tenders. This to me looks more like settling of scores.
Posted on 10-09-17 12:57 PM     [Snapshot: 336]     Reply [Subscribe]
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यो चोर का चोर नेताहरुलाई किन यस्तो एस्टाइलमा मार्दैनन् कसैले |
Posted on 10-09-17 2:08 PM     [Snapshot: 454]     Reply [Subscribe]
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there is a big nexus of contractors,politicians, criminals, bureaucrats, diplomats and gangsters in construction business. and they have their rivalry which results in occasional kidnappings,shoot outs and executions like this.
Looks like the rival party had enough and sent their gangsters/shooters with a well planned mission. Nepal isa dangerous place nowadays.

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