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 Marriage based interview
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Posted on 09-12-17 1:35 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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Hell All
Iam a USA citizen and I got married with TPS approval. It's a real marriage. Interview went so bad. Officer asked lot of question and makes us confusion. Officer shout me and my husband in a bad manure saying you had TPS status and it's not worth so trying to get green card marrying with USA citizens.
Officers ask me question that either the guy give any money or not for the marriage. It was so stupid question for me and also asked the purpose date. We both could not remember the date because it was a real marriage and we both said we forgot. She was rude to know about it and gave us hardest time.
Latter she asked about our proof. I put all the photo album, joint account, appetmenr contrsct, insurance, utilities bills etc. but she didn't see it and said I'm going out for the lunch so I will mail you for the more evidence.
I just want to know what doesn't it me and do I have to worried about it?

Highly appreciate with your sweet comments!!
Posted on 09-12-17 3:57 PM     [Snapshot: 98]     Reply [Subscribe]
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It sounds fishy to me the way your telling your story so forget about the USCIS agent. Not trying to discourage or criticize you but you guys clearly didn't any preparation for the interview. How could you say "we don't remember our marriage date" when your in an interview to prove your marriage is legit?

Posted on 09-12-17 4:22 PM     [Snapshot: 130]     Reply [Subscribe]
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She said proposal date.
Posted on 09-12-17 4:48 PM     [Snapshot: 154]     Reply [Subscribe]
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go with attorney and discuss your matter. 

Last edited: 12-Sep-17 04:49 PM

Posted on 09-12-17 4:50 PM     [Snapshot: 167]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Everything was Jeannine so we were not serious about it but most of the answer we gave was matched. This happened due to we didn't hire lawyer? will be a second interview again or just we need to submitted an enough evidence ? how much hard time do we have to face for the next step?
Posted on 09-12-17 5:45 PM     [Snapshot: 218]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Why you are worried if it's true marriage. Immigration officer can't define ur marriage as fake. It's just that they might ask for more evidence . Even if they deny you can fight in court and get it . Mean time ur spouse can work with pending case any way.
Posted on 09-12-17 6:01 PM     [Snapshot: 241]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Well I'm not worried but some curious. Any idea how long it's gonna take to complete this process?
Posted on 09-12-17 8:23 PM     [Snapshot: 352]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Last edited: 12-Sep-17 08:27 PM

Posted on 09-12-17 8:26 PM     [Snapshot: 360]     Reply [Subscribe]
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You should see their response for additional evidence or intend to denial in next month or two.
Mean time it's better to start talking to lawyer and be prepared . But at the end of day , if your marriage is true , you can proof it as bonifide marriage any way. The burden to proof true marriage is on you, but just because u don't remember marriage date don't mean that marriage is not true.
Posted on 09-12-17 10:08 PM     [Snapshot: 453]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Last edited: 12-Sep-17 10:08 PM

Posted on 09-12-17 10:10 PM     [Snapshot: 461]     Reply [Subscribe]
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me and my wife told officer about the marriage date and we both gave the true answer. officer wants to know the propose date.we both said how could we remember. its been a long time so we forget. she was mad at this answer and said you should know it because its a special day. our marriage was real so we did not memorize. now i am thinking to hire an attorney.
Posted on 09-12-17 10:45 PM     [Snapshot: 483]     Reply [Subscribe]
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While your marriage might be real and i hope it turns out all gud for you two, but your reasoning of not remembering proposal date because yor marriage is real doesn't do any gud for you. You are implying that only those with fake marriages will remeber the proposal date. In our Nepalese culture its typical we don't go thru such proposals even on love marriages. We love, talk about marriages, talk to families and then get married. But you, being a USC, undermined the value of the proposal to a USC officer that's why you are in this problem. People over here never forget the proposal day even if theh break up or get divorced later on because that's so special to them.
I hope all the best to you but if you are give a second chance, please do not undermine the proposal date that way.
Posted on 09-12-17 10:51 PM     [Snapshot: 489]     Reply [Subscribe]
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My roommate had same issue. She got lot of hardtime in interview when she was married to US citizen. Both Nepali, She came out crying..

Posted on 09-12-17 10:54 PM     [Snapshot: 494]     Reply [Subscribe]
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they just give you hard time to see if you guys get scared or whatever and say that it was a false marrige "if it was" but obviously urs was real. So, CHEERS!!!! Best of luck, I guess urs will be approved too

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