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 Anyone knows Amod Katwal from CA?
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Posted on 08-21-17 12:55 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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Trying to locate this individual. Last known location is North California.
Posted on 12-26-17 7:26 AM     [Snapshot: 927]     Reply [Subscribe]
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My name is Amod Katwal . I am in California these days . I have never lived in North California in my life . So Basnet H , I am in FB or call me at 7036262769 or shoot me an email if u wish to at akatwalifegood@gmail.com . Thank you
Posted on 08-11-19 7:07 PM     [Snapshot: 5350]     Reply [Subscribe]
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साल २००८ मा,अमोद कटवाल एक आधिकारिक श्रम ठेकेदारको रूपमा आफूलाई प्रतिरूपण गरी नेपाल आएका थिए। उनले एच. टु. बी. (श्रम) भिसा मार्फत संयुक्त राज्य अमेरिकामा कामदारहरूको कानुनी आप्रवासनलाई सहज बनाउने जनशक्ति कम्पनीको दाबी गरे। उनले छलपुर्वक एक पार्टीलाई $३०,००० डलर चार्ज गरी , समिल्लित छ जना व्यक्तिलाई श्रम भिसाद्वारा अमेरिकामा कानूनी रुपमा काम गर्न पाउने दाबी दिए। यस बाहेक, अन्य धेरै नेपाली व्यक्ति पनि उनको आप्रवासन घोटालाको शिकार भएका छन्। हामीले उहाँसँग धेरै चोटि सम्पर्क गर्न कोशिश गर्‍यौं, तर ११ बर्षको अवधिमा उहाँसँग हाम्रो मात्र दुई पटक सम्पर्क भयो। दुई वार्तालापको क्रममा, उनले ती छ पीडितको पैसा फिर्ता गर्ने वाचा गरे। यद्यपि ती पनि नक्कली प्रतिज्ञाहरू थिए, र उनले विगत केही वर्षदेखि सबै सम्पर्कहरू काटिदिएका छन्। यदि तपाईंसँग आमोद कटवालको बारेमा बढि जानकारी छ, वा हाम्रो प्रयासलाई समर्थन गर्न चाहनुहुन्छ भने, कृपया हामीलाई यस पेजद्वारा सम्पर्क गर्नुहोस् | तपाइहरुको सहयोगले हामी यस व्यक्तिलाई अमेरिकाको फेडरल ट्रेड कमिशनमा रिपोर्ट गर्ने चलिरहेको प्रक्रिया सुदृढ पार्न सक्दछौं। अमोद कटवालले नेतृत्व गरेको उस्तै अध्यागमन घोटालाका भूतपूर्व वा सम्भावित पीडित सबैलाई सचेत गराउन पनि कृपया हाम्रो पृष्ठ गरिदिनुहोला|

In 2008, Amod Katwal came to Nepal impersonating himself as an official labor contractor. He claimed to own a manpower company that eased legal immigration of Nepalese workers into the U.S. through H2B (work) visas. He deceitfully charged $30,000 to just one party, promising H2B visas to 6 individuals so that they could legally work in the U.S. Besides this, many other Nepalese individuals have also become victims of his immigration scam. We tried contacting him several times but managed to speak with him only twice over the course of 11 years. During the two conversations, he did promise to return the money of those 6 victims. However, those were also fake promises and he has cut off all contacts for the last few years. If you have more information regarding Amod Katwal, or would like to support our efforts, please contact us through this page so that we can strengthen our ongoing process of reporting this person to the U.S. Federal Trade Commission. You can also share our page to aware all the past or potential victims of similar immigration scams led by Amod Katwal.


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