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 Why does Kantipur want to bring Kulman Ghising down?
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Posted on 05-10-17 8:25 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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Why does Kantipur want to bring Kulman Ghising down and why is Kantipur lobbying to restart loadshedding schedule?
Posted on 05-11-17 6:17 AM     [Snapshot: 196]     Reply [Subscribe]
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seems like you have not followed kantipur for longer. the sole purpose of kantipur is to bring chaos in nepal and incresae indian meddling at any cost.
Posted on 05-13-17 7:31 PM     [Snapshot: 632]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Matter of fact most news papers are owned by either Indian or Indian Lobbies.
Posted on 05-14-17 3:27 AM     [Snapshot: 797]     Reply [Subscribe]
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hi, kantipur is one of the worst reporters of fabricated news. All they want, is to mislead people by either providing false news or incomplete news. example of their reporting/publishing would be like - "somebody died due to animal attack, while collecting woods."

in the above reporting, it is not clear what really happened, but kantipur will mislead readers by already pointing towards what happened, as if they were the witness, and everything happened in front of their eyes.

and people/government believe kantipur as if kantipur publications is the judiciary system. since the media house is so powerful politically and financially; they dont have anyone telling them to not do so.

kantipur is an Indian propaganda, financed by indian embassy. it was so much better when it was competing with the rising nepal paper; now its just serving other's agenda. They will never publish how much debt nepal owns; instead say nepal has not been able to spend all fiscal spending budget, while people suffer from low quality lifestyle.

i dont know news regarding Kulman; but kantipur will not let anyone to work for the interest of people of Nepal, because, kantipur only work to fulfill Indian agenda. India want Nepali to earn every rupee that we spend to buy fuel and food - they want us to serve Indian people and businesses all our life, with no way to do anything in our own (since they control our currency).

we are fucked.
Posted on 05-15-17 8:11 PM     [Snapshot: 1117]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Posted on 05-16-17 4:07 PM     [Snapshot: 1317]     Reply [Subscribe]
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After listening to the argument by Kantipur Journalist, I'm convinced that there is a big mafia in Nepal who doesn't want Nepal to prosper. It's clear that their issue is not about NEA not calling tender to buy bulbs. If it is, there're thousands of other cases where the rampant corruption occurs. If preventing power outages is not a special condition, what will that special condition be?

Down with Balram Bania and Kantipur mafia!
starts at 10:00

Posted on 05-16-17 4:12 PM     [Snapshot: 1327]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Posted on 05-18-17 3:07 PM     [Snapshot: 1571]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Rajan Pokhrel writes:

जनहित विराेधि कार्यकाे सवैले खुलेर शेयर गरि विराेध गराै ।

महाकाली बेच्दा किन बोलिएन ,टनक्पुर बेच्दा एक शब्द लेखिएन्,कोसी मा बार लगाउदा चतरासम्म नेपाली भुमी डुब्छ एक शब्द लेखिएन्, दिन दहाडै भारतीय पुलिस नेपाली भुमी मा छिरेर नेपाली कै हत्या हुन्छ किन मुखमा ताल्चा लाग्याे !आज सरदर ३८०!- नेरु मा पाउने एल्-एइ-डी चिम लाई रु १००!- मा पाउने गरी सम्झौता गर्दा कुल मान राष्ट्रघाती भयो भन्ने कन्तिपूर को पत्रकारलाई मेरो प्रश्न ?सरदर ८ लाख भारु मा पाइने इस्कोर्पियो गाडी नेरु ४०देखी ४५लाख मा खरिद हुँदा किन त्यो कम्पनी नेपाल मै खोल्नु पर्छ भनेर त्याे पत्रीका मा किन लेखिएन ? नेपाली किसान ले उत्पादन गरेको सुपारी बल्ल तल्ल १५देखी १६रुपैया प्रती के जि खरिद गरेर २०ग्राम को रज्निगन्दा रु ३०मा नेपाल मा सप्लाई गर्दा रज्निगन्दा को फेक्ट्री नेपाल मै खोल्नु पर्छ किन भनिएन ?पत्रकार र पत्रकारिता भनेको निस्पक्ष र स्वच्छ हुनु पर्दछ ! अन्तिममा कान्तिपूरलाई मेरो प्रश्न राजनिति नै गर्नु छ भने मैदानमा निस्किनुस ! झन्डा बोकेर!नत्र पत्रकार र पत्रकारीता को खोल ओडेर राजनिती गर्ने अधिकार कसैलाइ छैन !


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