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 Resume preparation in QA automation help needed
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Posted on 03-16-17 11:35 AM     Reply [Subscribe]
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I need a help in making resume for manual and automation QA engineer,
please let me know your rate

Posted on 03-16-17 11:56 AM     [Snapshot: 30]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Go to indeed and Google resumes. Don't need to pay people to do it.
Posted on 03-16-17 12:25 PM     [Snapshot: 60]     Reply [Subscribe]
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I mean also who can help in understanding how it works in the company,
Posted on 03-16-17 1:09 PM     [Snapshot: 88]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Do you have proper understanding of Test Automation ? There are many tool in the market which supports varieties of skripting languages. If you know how to automate, then you should be able to add what you have done by yourself. Resume with big key words will not get you a job, but the way you support or defend what's on it. Also, if you do know test automation, just google it and you will find bunch of the stuffs that you should be able to add and defend. However, if you don't have good understanding, then i will suggest to learn and perform some pilot project before applying.

If you need some info on test automation, i am happy to provide you.
Posted on 03-16-17 1:22 PM     [Snapshot: 96]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Thanks for the response and willing to help
I am aware of QA manual and automation test tools, and i am learning java selenium, i can make a resume myself but i however i need to understand how stuff works in particular domain like banking, finance, healthcare etc in response with testing,.

I think you understand my challenge

your help is highly appreciated,
please contact me at eight17nine918744

Thank you

Posted on 03-17-17 5:52 AM     [Snapshot: 331]     Reply [Subscribe]
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These are two separate topics. You acquire domain knowledge, when you actually work in that domain or from school. Having a good background in industry domain is great but not essential for Automation Engineer. Sad to say, i cannot provide you background on the domains. How depth domain knowledge you need is really based on the projects. Some projects will need more and some won't need any. I will suggest focus more on automation ( coding side ) and implement some pilot projects. Also, google some projects people did on different domains and just think how you can implement your automation over it. There are many many examples in google. This will help you to more in interview. Good luck

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