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 How Nabin became Anjali
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Posted on 12-28-16 11:57 AM     Reply [Subscribe]
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Documentary showcases transgender’s struggle

Sep 11, 2014-Nabin Waiba was born with a girl’s heart. He wore girls’ dress and acted like one for which he was criticised by family and society. His own feelings and desires confused him about his identity. He always felt like living in someone else’s skin. Waiba finally changed his sex and became Anjali Lama.

This is a snippet of 50-minute documentary film Anjali: Living inside Someone Else’s Skin based on real life story of a transgender who struggled to find her identity and cope with the society.

After knowing his sex change, Anjali’s family avoided her. Even while walking in the alley of Kathmandu, she is treated differently; she is always looked down upon, and society is still unable to accept her identity.

“Anjali is a small window through which the world of transgender and their problems, hopes and fears are explored,” said director Mohan Rai. Anjali told media persons during screening on Wednesday that the documentary was not just her personal story. “This is the problem we have to face every day,” she said. According to a survey by the Blue Diamond Society, 500,000 transgender people live in Nepal, of which only 850 are employed.

The documentary is going to be premiered in Kumari Cinema on September 18.



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