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 Bow down to the puppet masters
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Posted on 07-30-16 8:52 AM     Reply [Subscribe]
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Everyone bow down to the puppet masters!

Politics is generally about choosing the better of the worst but this election the worst has taken a whole different meaning. Over the years it had become increasingly clear that the two party system was simply a tool to make people believe they had a choice. But 2016 is the year when things became crystal clear how the puppet masters control the US government including the elections. 

The two party system is simply a 'good cop - bad cop' routine while the powers that be are increasingly tightening their grip while the citizens are forced to give up on their vision of democracy and freedom at the whims of the never ending greed.

Before the age of internet, it was relatively easier to pull off their desired outcome but with information flowing at an increasingly faster rate now, reality is being revealed to those who seek it - so now there is a bigger need to restore their control over the masses.

Democratic process has been replaced by rigged elections. Corruption is the desired ability. People have been brainwashed to celebrate corruption, greed, coersion, cronyism, and their own loss of freedom. 

The puppet masters skillfully dangle two unhealthy carrots in front of the donkey. They have already decided which carrot the donkey will eat because the other carrot is further away. The donkey is happy to have a choice. The other donkeys who see that both the carrots are harmful don't want to consume anything. They would rather consume the green grass and take their chances. The previous donkeys are afraid that they might not get any carrots - because they want the carrot no matter what. To make the carrot more appealing the puppet masters dress the carrot in unique dressings such as the first female carrot dressing or first black carrot dressing.

Don't get me wrong - the US is still much better than a lot of other places but you can increasingly feel the greed of the puppet masters breathing down your back. The quality of products, services and environment is going down at a faster rate. It is becoming increasingly difficult for common middle class person to afford a decent lifestyle. The quality of life in your locality will depend on how many people can afford a decent lifestyle. Consequently the quality of life has suffered all throughout.

Perhaps the perpetual wars serve to maintain the American way of life but that is not a feasible and humane model of survival and development. We are all part of the whole universe. There is always another all inclusive model of survival and development if desired ...

Posted on 07-30-16 10:04 AM     [Snapshot: 105]     Reply [Subscribe]
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U r one helluva confused individual. Have I not said that politics has no place for ideals? I couldnt help laughing when u were lecturing on how ur nominee was idealistically sound and even more when one regular sajha pundit submissively announced that he would be ready to serve as a house servant to him. Ppl have wrong presumption here that i make prediction but it is clear as sky. Its politics. Choose lesser evil, thats it.
Posted on 07-30-16 11:17 AM     [Snapshot: 176]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Bittertruth, everything was crystal clear right from the start and even now - but it was exhilarating to support an ideal candidate instead of laying down full support for a corrupt, lying candidate blindly. Enjoy celebrating the victory of corruption, greed, coercion, cronyism, and your own loss of freedom. You think others are confused? I don't blame you :)
Posted on 07-30-16 12:22 PM     [Snapshot: 251]     Reply [Subscribe]
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@neo....Who are the puppet masters you are referring to? Also, scholars have already told that American dream is only possible in Denmark ! Good Luck in America !!
Posted on 07-30-16 1:25 PM     [Snapshot: 292]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Name calling is something abusive/insulting. Saying, you are a 'confused person' is not a name calling. It's something how you've projected yourself in a period of time and that's how I perceived. I'm not using cussword/insults or anything to even call it name calling.

Neo dai, regardless of how enlightening you think your posts are glorifying conspiracy worms, bashing administration, we're all are part of it. You pay taxes, you obey the system, you follow the rules, you give in yourself in a hierarchy and yes you are slave to your puppet masters aka government and this unruly post of yours seems like just an extract from speculative hypothesis created by disoriented bunch.

If you still think, it's name calling, you need to put that ego down and say OMMMM. :)

Posted on 07-30-16 3:33 PM     [Snapshot: 399]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Bittertruth, I had told you long time back that we should agree to disagree but your ego gets the best of you and you have to come back to show your enlightenment. Once again I will agree to disagree with you. The 'private' message that you made public was simply a plea to be civil but you have chosen not to be. I think it's immature to call someone 'confused' simply because you don't agree with them. It simply makes you look like an abusive,intolerant person. Everyone is free to express their opinions. You are free to disagree with the opinions without attacking the person.

No ad hominem comments without being provoked.

Here is a definition of Ad Hominem in case you don't know.

ad hominem
ad ˈhɒmɪnɛm/
adverb & adjective
1. (of an argument or reaction) directed against a person rather than the position they are maintaining.
"an ad hominem response"

Please note that any ad hominem response will be deleted with an OMMMM because I don't have time nor urge to respond to personal attacks.
Last edited: 30-Jul-16 03:42 PM

Posted on 07-30-16 4:05 PM     [Snapshot: 425]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Posted on 07-30-16 4:59 PM     [Snapshot: 470]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Hillary and trump are close friends. Trump is helping Hillary win the election by running for presidency as republican. It was planned a decade ago. So, chill guys and enjoy the show. Btw, I'm playing 14,8,7 in today's powerball. Hope i win.
Posted on 07-30-16 8:27 PM     [Snapshot: 568]     Reply [Subscribe]
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President Carter says US is not a democracy http://m.huffpost.com/us/entry/7922788

BBC reports US is not a democracy http://www.bbc.com/news/blogs-echochambers-27074746
Posted on 07-31-16 11:26 PM     [Snapshot: 739]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Bittertruth is a retarded psycho. He seems to be pissed off because ne0 pointed out the lying corrupt Hillary and her clueless followers. Haha he even exposed private message what a crybaby. Have some class! But what can you expect from someone who tries to solicit sex openly from females in chat room.
Last edited: 31-Jul-16 11:28 PM


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