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Posted on 06-26-16 9:36
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राजा महेन्द्रको डायरीयुवराज गौतम सोमवार, आषाढ १३, २०७३ 6549 पटक पढिएको'राजाका तीनवटा डायरीमा ७७ जनाको नाम छ। अत्यन्त संवेदनशील कुरा छन्। ती डायरीलाई अंग्रेजीमा अनुवाद गराउँदा क्राउन प्रिन्स (वीरेन्द्र) लाई धेरै कुरा अवगत हुने भएकाले राजा महेन्द्रले परिस्कृत अंग्रेजीमा अनुवाद गराउन चाहिबक्सेको रहेछ। २०२८ सालमा मलाई अत्यन्त विश्वासका साथ अनुवादको जिम्मेवारी बक्स्यो। सोही साल माघ १७ गते सरकारको स्वर्गारोहण भयो। त्यसपछि ती डायरी मसँगै रहे।' सुन्दा आश्चर्य लाग्छ। २०१० सालतिरै अंग्रेजीमा एमए गरेर पनि मन्त्री, राजदूत वा सांसदलगायत कुनै सरकारी पदमा बस्न नचाहेका ती 'गुमनाम' व्यक्ति अंग्रेजीका राम्रा-राम्रा पुस्तक पढेर त्यसको सारांश राजा महेन्द्रलाई सुनाउँदा रहेछन्। योग्य व्यक्तिलाई टपक्क टिपेर अत्यन्त गहन जिम्मेवारी दिने राजाले कुन पदमा बसेर काम गर्नुहुन्छ भन्दै उनलाई धेरैपल्ट सोधेछन्। 'प्रशस्त सम्पत्ति छँदै थियो, त्यसैले जागिर खाने वा केही महिनापछि 'पूर्वमन्त्री' हुने इच्छा पनि भएन', उनी हाँस्दै भन्छन्। तीन वर्षजति संगत गरेपछि केही सर्त राखेर उनकै सामुन्ने डायरी पढ्ने पंक्तिकारलाई अनुमति मिल्यो। सरलक होम्सको जासुसी उपन्यासदेखि लिएर सबै महादेशका साहित्य, कूटनीति र राजनीति बुझेका परिपक्व व्यक्ति उनीभन्दा झन्डै ३५ वर्ष कान्छो पंक्तिकारलाई मित्रका रूपमा सम्बोधन गर्छन्। 'मित्र, डायरीबारे तपाईंले जानेका-बुझेका कुरा पुस्तक, लेख, अन्तर्वार्ता आदिमा इमानदारीपूर्वक (उनकै शब्दमा अनेस्ट्ली) लेखे हुन्छ, तर मेरो नाम सधैं गोप्य रहोस्', उनले मेरो हात समातेर भने। उनी मलाई छोरालाई जस्तै माया गर्छन्। म उनलाई बुबा भन्छु। 'हजुरको स्वर्गवासपछि पनि म हजुरको नाम गोप्य राख्नेछु...', मैले आश्वस्त तुल्याएँ। 'ओके, डन्...', उनले दाहिने हातले 'थम्स अप' गरे। साँझमा खाना खाएर पानी, ओखर र केही सुगर फ्री बिस्कुट छेउमा राखी म राजा महेन्द्रका डायरी तनमयपूर्वक पढ्न थालें। बिहान तीन बजेतिर दुई घन्टाजति बैठक कोठाको गलैंचामै भुसुक्कै निदाएछु, पढ्दा-पढ्दै। जति पढ्यो, उति पढूँपढूँ लाग्ने सुन्दर हरफहरू। राजा महेन्द्र र राजा वीरेन्द्रको संरक्षणमा हुर्किएका दरबारनिकट कतिपय व्यक्ति नै धेरै ठाउँमा प्रश्नवाचक चिह्न बनेर उभिएको पाएँ। उनीहरूको द्वैध चरित्र देखेर घिन लाग्यो। के छैन यी डायरीमा ? २०२२ साल माघमा युवराज वीरेन्द्रले नुवाकोटको त्रिशूली बजारबाट बुटवलसम्म गरेको पदयात्रालाई राजा महेन्द्रले प्रशंसा गरेका छन्। उनकै शब्दमा- 'राजधानी बुझेरमात्र देश कहाँ बुझ्न सकिन्छ र ! नेपालीपन त झुप्राझुप्रामा खोज्नुपर्छ...।' यस्तै, एकजना नेपाली राजनीतिज्ञका बारेमा राजा महेन्द्रको टिप्पणी छ, 'शल्य (महाभारतको पात्र) जस्तो छ ऊ। जता पठायो, अतिथि सत्कारमा मोहित भएर मूल कर्तव्य बिर्सन्छ।' डायरीमा दरबारका पुराना कर्मचारी सुरेन्द्रमान जोशी, हंसमान सिंह, मधुसूदन राजभण्डारी, शारदाप्रसाद प्रधानलगायत धेरैका प्रसंग छन्। एकजना पुराना सचिव रेणुलाल सिंहलाई 'धार्मिक प्रकृतिको सोझो मान्छे' भनेका छन् राजा महेन्द्रले। कतिपयले राजालाई ढाँट्ने प्रयास गर्दा गाली खाएको प्रसंग पनि छ। सन् १९५० को ६ नोभेम्बरमा वनभोज जाने बहानामा राजदरबारको पश्चिम द्वारबाट राजा त्रिभुवन केही बाकसमा बहुमूल्य गहना, लुगाफाटो र औषधिहरू लिएर बाहिर निस्केको प्रसंग छ, डायरीमा। 'उसैका लागि' र 'फेरि उसैका लागि' किताबसहित धेरै गीत, कविता र भजन लेखे राजा महेन्द्रले। देशभक्तिले ओतप्रोत छन्, उनका रचना। डायरी पढ्दा धेरै ठाउँमा आँसु आउँछ, उनको प्रबल देशप्रेम सम्झेर।
महाराजगन्जस्थित (हाल शीतल निवास) भारतीय दूतावासमा शाही शरणार्थी भएर दिल्ली पुगेको र त्यहाँ पं जवाहरलाल नेहरूले नेपाललाई 'स्वतन्त्र राष्ट्रजस्तो व्यवहार नगरेको' उल्लेख छ।
अक्षर सुन्दर छन् डायरीमा। प्रत्येक घटनाको विश्लेषण गर्दा नेपाललाई केन्द्रमा राखिएको देखिन्छ। कसैप्रति तुच्छ शब्द व्यक्त गरिएको छैन, बरु गुनासा, असन्तुष्टि र पीडा छन्। प्राचीन धर्म-संस्कृतिप्रति प्रगाढ आस्था प्रतिबिम्बित भएको पाइन्छ। कतै श्रीगणेशाय नमः बाट पृष्ठ सुरु हुन्छ, कतै 'स्वधर्मे निधनं श्रेयः परधर्मो भयावह' वाक्यांशबाट। राजा गीर्वाणयुद्धविक्रम शाहद्वारा रचित 'सत्कर्म रत्नावली' (दुई भाग) पुनर्मुद्रण गर्न चाहेका थिए महेन्द्रले। गीर्वाणले आफ्नो संग्रहका पुस्तकलाई सार्वजनिक पुस्तकालयका रूपमा हनुमानढोका (वसन्तपुर) दरबारमा स्थापना गराएको प्रसंग छ, डायरीमा। पृथ्वीनारायण शाहबाट साह्रै प्रभावित भएको पाइन्छ, राजा महेन्द्र। 'राष्ट्रलाई आत्मनिर्भर बनाउन सके अरूले हेयदृष्टिले हेर्ने थिएनन् भन्ने लाग्छ' उनले एक ठाउँमा भनेका छन्। 'मैले एलबीजेलाई जोन एफ केनेडीको हत्याबारे सोधें' भन्ने प्रसंग छ, सन् १९६७ को अमेरिका भ्रमण प्रसंगमा। 'एलबीजे' भनिने लिन्डन बी जोन्सन राष्ट्रपति छँदा उनकै निमन्त्रणामा राजा महेन्द्रले अमेरिका भ्रमण गरेका थिए। त्यहाँ उनको भव्य स्वागत गरिएको थियो। राष्ट्रपति जोन्सनले आफूलाई 'तीनकोठे सानो घरमा जन्मेको साधारण मान्छे' भनेका छन्, महेन्द्रसामु। रक्षामन्त्री रबर्ट म्याक्नामारालाई जोन्सनका दाहिने हात भनेका छन् महेन्द्रले। सन् १९५७ देखि १९६१ सम्म भारतका सेनापति रहेका केएस (कोडान्डेरा सुबैया) थिमैयाको नेपाल भ्रमणमा राजा महेन्द्रले भारतीय प्रधानमन्त्री पं जवाहरलाल नेहरूलाई केही सन्देश पठाएको छनक दिएका छन्, महेन्द्रले। थिमैया दिल्ली पुगेपछि प्रधानमन्त्री विश्वेश्वरप्रसाद कोइराला काठमाडौंमा पक्राउ परेका थिए। नेपाल छात्र संघका तर्फबाट सुरेन्द्रराज शर्मालगायतले त्रिचन्द्र कलेजमा आयोजना गरेको पुस्तक प्रदर्शनीमा विश्वेश्वरप्रसाद कोइरालाका किताब नदेखेपछि आफूले पठाइदिएको प्रसंग पनि डायरीमा उल्लेख गरिएको छ। झन्डै अठार वर्ष शासन गरे महेन्द्रले। मेचीदेखि महाकाली जोड्ने महेन्द्र राजामार्गको शिलान्यास गरेका दिन (२०१८ साल) आपूm साहै्र खुसी भएको कुरा उल्लेख गरेका छन् महेन्द्रले। हरेक पृष्ठमा बहुआयामिक पक्षहरू छन्। राजा महेन्द्रकी प्रेमिका थिइन् गीता गुरुङ। उनीबाट जन्मिएका रवीन्द्र शाहद्वारा रचित 'झरेको फूल' गीत संग्रहमा राजा महेन्द्रले भूमिका लेखेका छन्। राजकुमार रवीन्द्र 'भावुक र प्रतिभाशाली छ' भनेका छन् महेन्द्रले। 'कतिपय पुस्तक पढ्दा उसलाई मैले जस्तै आँसु झारिरहेको देखेको छु' भन्छन् महेन्द्र। झन्डै ३४ वर्ष पहिले गणेश रसिकले पंक्तिकारलाई रवीन्द्र शाहसँग परिचय गराएका थिए, नयाँ सडकमा। झट्ट हेर्दा राजा महेन्द्रजस्तै देखिन्थे, गीतकार रवीन्द्र शाह। निर्दलीय पञ्चायती व्यवस्थाको ठाउँमा संवैधानिक राजतन्त्रसहितको संसदीय प्रजातन्त्र स्थापना गर्न राजा महेन्द्रले बहुदलीय व्यवस्थाअनुकूल संविधान बनाइसकेका थिए। तर त्यसबारेमा केही संशोधन गर्न बाँकी नै थियो। महान्यायाधिवक्ता शम्भुप्रसाद ज्ञवालीले मस्यौदा गरेका थिए त्यसको। पूर्वप्रधानमन्त्री डा. तुलसी गिरी भन्छन्, 'यसमा तपाईंको के धारणा छ ? ' भनी सोधनी भएको थियो। मैले 'सरकार, नेपाली कांग्रेस त्यागेर निर्दलीय पञ्चायती व्यवस्था स्वीकारेको छु। दलीय व्यवस्थामा जाँदा हजारौं समस्या आउँछन् भन्ने मेरो धारणा यथावत् छ। बहुदलीय व्यवस्था बक्सन्छ भने यो सरकारको प्रिभिलेजको कुरा हो तर म त समर्थन गर्न असमर्थ छु भनी बिन्ती गरेको थिएँ।' पंक्तिकारद्वारा सम्पादित सारथि साप्ताहिकमा अन्तर्वार्ता दिँदै पूर्वप्रधानमन्त्री सूर्यबहादुर थापाले भनेका थिए, '२०२८ साल फागुन ७ गते बहुदलीय व्यवस्था घोषणा गर्ने पूर्ण तयारी भित्रभित्रै थियो। तर माघ १७ गते राजा महेन्द्रको हृदयाघातबाट अचानक स्वर्गारोहण भयो।' राजा महेन्द्रका अरू पनि धेरै डायरी हुन सक्छन्। तीनवटा डायरीमा त पचासौं विषय (कूटनीति, राजनीति, साहित्य, विकास, भूमिसुधार, विकेन्द्रीकरण, शिक्षा, आयुर्वेद, तन्त्रसाधना, परराष्ट्र नीति आदि) छन् भने अरू कति कुरा होलान्। चीनमा माओसँग भेट गर्दा उनले चीन सोभियत संघको अन्धानुकरण नगरी अघि बढेको, जर्मनी, जापान र ब्रिटेनको साम्राज्यवादविरुद्ध लडेको प्रसंग सुनाएको कुरा उल्लेख छ डायरीमा। परराष्ट्र नीतिका ज्ञाता महेन्द्रले लेखेका छन्, 'अक्साइचीन र अरुणाचलतिरबाट हमला गरेर भारतलाई चीनले हायलकायल पार्दैछ। यस्तो अवस्था जहिले पनि दोहोरिन सक्छ। त्यसैले हामी तटस्थ बस्नु बुद्धिमानी हुन्छ।' धेरै देश र स्वदेशका विभिन्न जिल्ला घुमेर प्रशस्त अनुभव बटुले महेन्द्रले। 'उसैका लागि' र 'फेरि उसैका लागि' किताबसहित धेरै गीत, कविता र भजन लेखे उनले। देशभक्तिले ओतप्रोत छन्, उनका रचना। डायरी पढ्दा धेरै ठाउँमा आँसु आउँछ, उनको प्रबल देशप्रेम सम्झेर। बाउन्न वर्षको उमेरमै परलोक भएका महेन्द्रले देश र देशवासीको भलो होस् भनेर अहर्निश धेरै काम गरेको र गर्न खोजेका रहेछन्। हामीले पो महेन्द्रलाई बुझ्न सकेनछौं।
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अन्नपूर्ण पोस्ट मा प्रकाशित राजा महेन्द्रको डायरी बारे युबराज गौतमको अनाम व्यक्ति संग भएको डायरी चर्चा पढ्दा लाग्यो लेखमा ' selective' खण्डको मात्र चर्चा गरिएको जस्तो लाग्यो | अनाम घटनामा अनाम चर्चा | राजा महेन्द्रले "उसैको लागि " र "फेरी उसैको लागि " शिर्षक दुइ कबिता संग्रह र थुप्रै गीत भजन र राष्ट्रिय गीएत लेख्नु भएको भनी चर्चा गर्दा युबराज गौतम जस्ता वरिष्ठ पत्रकार( पंचायत ब्यबस्था र राज तन्त्रका घोर समर्थक ) ले यो सत्य पनि बुझ्नु पर्ने हो कि ती दुवै पुस्तकमा समाहित सबै कबिता भारतीय कविहरुको हुबहु अनुबाद ( चोरेको भन्ने शब्द राजालाई न सुहाउला ) मात्र हो भन्ने प्रमाणित गर्ने वरिष्ठ साहित्यकार अझै जिउदै हुनुहुन्छ | हो राजद्रोहको मुद्दा लागे पछि डाक्टर साहेबले राजा महेन्द्रको मात्र हैन शाह बंशका हरेक सन्तान सार्क क्षेत्रकै अब्बल कबि कवियत्री भनी भजन लेखे |
डायरी हुबहु पढ्न पाए सत्य तथ्यको चिरफार हुन्थ्यो नै |
Last edited: 27-Jun-16 12:39 PM
Last edited: 27-Jun-16 12:42 PM
Last edited: 28-Jun-16 06:48 PM
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Posted on 06-27-16 1:57
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Not trying to derail the thread, but, did CIA kill mahendra ? I always wondered abt that.
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Posted on 06-28-16 4:08
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राजा महेन्द्रले "उसैको लागि " र "फेरी उसैको लागि " शिर्षक दुइ कबिता संग्रह र थुप्रै गीत भजन र राष्ट्रिय गीएत लेख्नु भएको भनी चर्चा गर्दा युबराज गौतम जस्ता वरिष्ठ पत्रकार( पंचायत ब्यबस्था र राज तन्त्रका घोर समर्थक ) ले यो सत्य पनि बुझ्नु पर्ने हो कि ती दुवै पुस्तकमा समाहित सबै कबिता भारतीय कविहरुको हुबहु अनुबाद ( चोरेको भन्ने शब्द राजालाई न सुहाउला ) मात्र हो भन्ने प्रमाणित गर्ने वरिष्ठ साहित्यकार अझै जिउदै हुनुहुन्छ |
instead of relying on what some so called what best laureate said , can u provide some evidence that it was as ditto translated copies? I said this cuz those aren't that greatest but mediocre level creations, good high school-er mindset writing, not the greatest, they may become popular probably of the simplicity later but noway counts as literatures and i have seen personally king's handwriting in the museum. My point is king with that power and money, not only he no needs of copy translated materials, wouldn't create simply mediocre poems and songs when he was surrounded by great laureates's minds that time. if your sources are like khagendra sangraulas, I understand your level. but i might be wrong here too , lets see the evidence instead what others said.
डोल्पा हिमाल पारीको मरुस्थल को बदलामा सगरमाथा आधा आधा भनेर सम्झौता गर्नेलाई महान राष्ट्रबादी राजा भनिहाल्न यो चित्त मान्दैन |
again u sound like typical nepali weekly magazine without proof and concrete evidence, are u trying to write history by yourself ? history proves the issue of Everest was resolved when then PM BP Koirala visited china with then premier Zhou-en -lai. go do research what happened in our past. Did we sold Mahakali river too? borders are complicated when are based on physical geography like rivers and himalayas? I ain't blaiming BP sold it like you when complication is deep and unique but if you want to blame it blame only on BP Koirala for not rigidly perusing it, where your half half theories lies when the case was existed like this-
Mt. Everest was disputed by China during the state visit of Chinese Premier Zhou En-Lai in 1960. B.P. disagreed. Zhou tried to outmaneuver B.P. by asking that if it belongs to Nepal it must have its own name suggesting that in China it is called Chomolongma(in Tibetan). It was a very shrewed question, indeed, because Nepal had no name of its own in Nepali. Somehow, B.P. advisor's came up with the name "Sagarmatha" and quieted the Chinese. Zhou En-Lai then proposed to settle this controversy by going through the historical records of expeditions. The records showed that the climbers had taken permission from Nepal while climbing from the southern side and from Tibet while climbing from the northern side. As the top of the Everest is bent towards Nepal it was decided that southern slope and the top belonged to Nepal while the northern slope belonged to China (Tibet).
but anyways go back history and learn instead, it does good for your brain and wtf is that dolpo conspiracy lol
Buddhi Narayan Shrestha
Senior Border Expert, Nepal
The physical demarcation of border between Nepal and China along the
Himalayan range, which consists of also Sagarmatha (Mt. Everest), the
world’s highest peak, is not an easy task. The basic feature of the
region is the problem of accessibility, its remoteness, absence of
settlement and the non-availability of goods and materials. But
principle, procedure and technique adopted by the two sides, mutual
understanding, cooperation, and friendship and goodwill between the two
countries facilitated the demarcation of the border. The two parties
worked in accordance with the Five Principles of Peaceful co-existence
and in a spirit of fairness, reasonableness and mutual accommodation. As
a result, after the completion of the whole work, the boundary protocol
was signed on 20 January 1963.
History is witness that although contacts between Nepal and China dates back to hundreds of years, the demarcation of border through scientific method
was done only in 1963 AD. Before the boundary treaty between the two
countries was signed, there were debates, disputes and claims at several
places of the frontier areas. Some of the disputes which dated back to
the time of Bhimsen Thapa had remained unsettled. But the demarcation of
the border formally solved and ended those historical debates.
About those historical debates the then Prime Minister Bisheswore Prasad
Koirala had said at the House of Representatives on 1 October 1959 that
the border between Nepal and Tibet have already been determined although
there were disputes in some places. But three days later he said at a
press conference that there are many unsettled disputes on the
Nepal-Tibet border for a long time, some of them are even hundreds of
year old and there have been debates on those areas. But, he had said,
that we have agreed to accept the traditional and customary border as
per our treaty with China.
Issue raised:
Prime Minister Koirala had counter-signed the Sino-Nepal Boundary Agreement
in Peking on 21 March 1960 to form a joint border committee to demarcate
the border between Nepal and China, to carry out survey of the border,
to erect border pillars and to prepare a draft for the border treaty. On
the way back home from Peking, he made a stopover in Hong Kong where he
said at a press conference on 25 March 1960 that there was only some
questions about a few miles of the territory, and that this was not a
dispute over the border; rather there had been some irregularity in some
areas for the last 50 or 60 years between Nepal and China. He said
clearly that he had no information about encroachment of Nepalese
territory by China in the last 12 months, and also that there would be
no consultation with India on Nepal-China border agreement because it
strictly was a matter to be resolved by Nepal and China only. But at the
press conference he did not mention about China laying a claim to
Sagarmatha. He alone knew why he didn’t reveal that at the press
conference. But at another press conference in Kathmandu on 3 April,
B.P. Koirala disclosed, which is off the record, that Mt. Everest also
lies in the area claimed by China. In a somber tone, he said that China
had made a claim on Sagarmatha. They argued that Sagarmatha belonged to
them but Nepal had rejected their claim. He also said that there were
some differences on border in other areas, but the claim over Sagarmatha
was a new thing during the visit to Peking. As Nepal had rejected it
outright, there were no further talks. But it was not known as to how
much area of Sagarmatha was claimed by China.
B.P. Koirala continued to say in a somewhat tired tone, that there could be
talks on China’s claim over Sagarmatha during the visit of Chinese Prime
Minister Chou En-Lai to Kathmandu. Prime Minister Koirala also hoped
that the claim over Mt Everest and other border disputes could be
resolved by the working procedure of the border agreement. He also said
that the agreement to keep 20 kilometers area on each side of the
frontier as non-military zone was certainly beneficial to Nepal.
On the dispute over Sagarmatha Tanka Prasad Acharya said on 8 April 1960
that Prime Minister B.P. Koirala, in his statement had said that China
had recognized Nepal’s traditional border with her, but he had also said
that China had made a claim over Sagarmatha. This looked very
mysterious, he said. It does not matter if China has made claims on
Sagarmatha but Nepalese can never accept this. All Nepalese have a firm
belief that Sagarmatha lies within Nepal’s territory. Our old maps and
dealings show this. In the meantime, B.P’s opponent Nepal Communist
Party took out rallies with slogans and organised mass meeting accusing
Prime Minister Koirala of selling Nepal’s Sagarmatha to China. This had
stirred up the nationalist feeling and made a big issue. The opposition
political parties had used this as a sensitive issue against Prime
Minister Koirala and his Nepali Congress Party.
Presentation of maps: When
Prime Minister Bisheswore Prasad Koirala had visited Beijing, China had
said that Sagarmatha lies within the frontier of China. At that time
both sides had presented maps showing Sagarmatha within their respective
boundaries. But it is a matter of curiosity about the map put forth by
Nepal, such as who had drawn it, and whether or not it had borne the
name of Sagarmatha on it and how far from Sagarmatha the borderline was
drawn. So far it is known that Nepal had presented the map drawn by the
British India. The Survey of India during the British rule had started
drawing and charting maps of countries from the central Asian countries
of Iraq and Iran to China, South East Asia and Laos and Vietnam from the
decade of 1860. That was the reason why the Chinese had said about the
map presented by the Nepalese Prime Minister that it bore the name
Everest in the map, which is a British name, and it contains no Nepali
name; still, they had said that the name of the peak as Chomolungma in
Tibetan colloquium had been in use for a long time. In reply Nepalese
said that its Nepali name is Sagarmatha but the Chinese understood that
the name was recently coined. At that time Nepal could not present its
argument forcefully that it had named the peak as Sagarmatha a long time
Before his China visit Bisheswore Prasad Koirala had consulted with noted
historian Baburam Acharya. And Acharya had told him that his studies
long time ago had found that the Nepali name for Everest was Sagarmatha,
and it was recognized at the government level in 1956. Although Acharya
had named the peak Sagarmatha in 1938 AD, Nepal could not make this
point to the Chinese because the name was formally recognized only a few
years ago.
Finding the highest mountain:
Scientists had found Sagarmatha as the world’s highest peak more than 150 years
ago. The Survey of India has surveyed and measured the peaks of the
Himalayas during 1849-50 from the Indian territory, 176 kilometers far
away using the Great Triangulation Surveying technique. That time the
peaks had no specific names and the peaks were given the Roman
numerical. Sagarmatha was given the number XV and was called Peak XV
While computing the data, the height of the Peak XV was calculated as
8,840 metres (± 3 metres), and was declared the highest peak in the
world in 1855. The Survey of India carried out a survey for e second
time in 1954 and computed it to be 8,848 metres; China in 1975
calculated it to be 8,848.13 mtr and the Boston Museum of
Science/National Geographic Society measured its height and formally
declared on 11 November 1999 as 8,850 metres, as this project was
operated by Dr. Bradford Washburn, Honorary Director of Boston Museum of
The peak, which was found under the joint efforts of the Surveyor General
of India Sir George Everest, Bengali surveyor of India R Sickdhar and
Nepalese corporal Tejbir Budhathoki, was named in 1865 by the Royal
Geographical Society of London as Mount Everest in honor of the British
surveyor. In fact, it was Radhanath Sickdhar who had measured the height
of the peak and did major works and had found that it was the highest
peak in the world. That means, Sickdhar was the discoverer of the
Everest. But George Everest was given the credit, although he played
only an official role in the whole effort because he was a British
Naming and meaning of Sagarmatha:
Baburam Acharya’s pride as an Asian was hurt, and he was sore at the British
for naming the peak after its former Surveyor General by completely
disregarding the actual person who had discovered the world’s highest
peak. He presumed that as the peak belonged to Nepal and it must have
surely a local name. He then visited districts of Ramechhap, Okhaldhunga
and Solukhumbu to find the local and colloquial name of the peak. He
inquired with as many local people he could find and may have also
flipped over the pages of the old, dusty and historical documents and
government papers in various local offices and courts. Finally, he found
that the peak was called locally as Sagarmatha and the people in those
areas still call the peak as Sagarmatha. Acharya’s article entitled
‘Sagarmatha or Chomolungma’ in the Volume 4, Issue No. 5 of the
well-read literary magazine Sharada was published in 1938 AD. According
to his research and investigation, Sagarmatha was formed by the
combination of two words Sagar and Matha. He had maintained that the
word Sagar is the transformation of swarga (heaven) in Vedic and
Sanskrit letters, and it is in use in Nepali language. For instance, the
Nepalese people say “Sagar Dadhyo” when the west horizon appears
glowish at the sun-set time and it is always remembered by local
inhabitants. Similarly, Math or Matha signifies the sky or the head, the
tallest part of the body. Generally, Sagar denotes the heaven or sky
and Matha is the head or crest. In this way Sagarmatha means ‘the head
reaching up to the sky.’ Thus, it becomes pertinent and meaningful to
call the peak as Sagarmatha in Nepali language, as it is the highest
mountain in the world
These are some accounts of how Sagarmatha got its name. It has already been
mentioned that Nepal had presented the map prepared by the British India
during the Nepal-China border talks. Another thing is that it is not
clear whether Nepal failed to present the map of its northern border
drawn by Nepal herself to the Chinese or it did not have any. It may be
that it had but did not dare to produce. As far as the map prepared by
Nepal is concerned, Nepal had some maps showing various parts of Nepal’s
border with Tibet. Those maps were drawn in Nepali handmade paper and
most of them were Najari Naksa (eye sketch maps). Some of them should
still be with the Royal Nepalese Army headquarters. Those maps made with
manual techniques may have collected dust owing to lack of safekeeping.
Some of the elongated big and long maps in strip size may have been
kept safe in leather bags. As those maps were only Najari and sketched
maps but not made scientifically, Nepal might have considered it
inappropriate to produce them before the Chinese. It might also have
felt some kind of shame on what the Chinese would say if Nepal presented
those maps. Again, Nepal might have taken the maps made by the British
as correct as and more accurate than those made by Nepal. That time it
was rumored that since Nepal did not have its own name for Mt. Everest,
the border maps were not made by Nepal but had only presented the ones
drawn by the British.
At the press conference of 3 April 1960, when Prime Minister Koirala was
asked in the presence of the Chinese Prime Minister whether he could
disclose the border map presented by Nepal, Koirala had replied that
doing so would not be beneficial in the interest of the public. Thus, it
was clear that Nepal had failed to present a map drawn by her during
the Nepal-China border talks. On the other hand, the Survey of India
had, in 1856, published a map with the inclusion of details showing the
sketch map (without scale) in Devanagari script of Jung Bahadur’s time,
Kali River as Nepal’s western border line. Jung Bahadur’s map was sent
to the British Foreign Office through the British resident in Kathmandu
to include in the Survey of India Map. And this map is as the proof of
Nepal at Kalapani-Limpiyadhura issue with India. Had it been presented
the Nepal made map concerning Sagarmatha during the talk with China, the
issue would have been resolved earlier and unanimously.
The final point of curiosity is that the map presented by Nepal failed to
indicate how much was its border line in the north of the Sagarmatha
peak. It is understood that the map presented by Prime Minister Koirala
to the Chinese had shown the borderline on the water shed of Sagarmatha
peak or on the crest of the peak. That map was drawn by the then
British Survey of India. That time it was said if Koirala had presented
and staked Nepal’s claim according to a map prepared by Nepal and stored
in the Jaisi Kotha (Tibet Section) of the Foreign Department, Nepal’s
northern borderline could have covered the middle bottom of the northern
slope of Sagarmatha.
From the authors’ book on Border Management of Nepal, Published 2003.
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Posted on 06-28-16 3:38
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Controversial जी पहिलो कुरो त मैले सुनेको लेखेको हुँ, जो सही नै थियो भनेर दावा गरेको हैन | तर मैले तपाइँलाई व्यक्तिगत हमला गरेको थिइन कतै पनि | तै पनि तपाइँले पस्किनु भएको केही अपशब्दहरुलाई बिनम्रतापूर्बक अस्विकार गर्दै १. पहिलो कुरो , उहाँ साहित्यकार कुन लेभल को साहित्यकार भन्दा नि त्यो बेला उहाँले ती किताबमा भएका गीत कबिताहरुको चोरेका हुन् भनी सप्रमाण पेश गरेको हो कि हैन ? उहाँलाई गद्दी ताकेको अभियोग लागेको हो कि हैन , पछि क्षमा मागे पछि छुटेको हो कि हैन ? जानकारहरु संग बुझ्नु भए हुन्छ | पंचायतकालका यस्ता कुराहरुको अभिलेख हुँदैनन् | मैले पुष्टि गरेको पनि हैन त्यसले मैले तपाइलाई प्रमाण दिन सक्दिन | २. सगरमाथाको बिषयमा तपाइँले राख्नु भएको पुस्तक अंश सही होला | यसमाने मा गलत हुन सक्छु , सबैमा क्षमा पनि माग्दछु | बिपीले कुरा उठाए २०१७ सालमा, सम्झौता गरेका थिएनन् | तर सम्झौता कहिले कहिले भयो त्यो तपाइले नै लेख्नु भएको छ | बिपीलाइ जेल कोचे पछि गररिएका सम्झौता भित्र के के थियो थिएन फेरिहस्त तपाइँ संग पनि छैन होला |
Last edited: 28-Jun-16 03:41 PM
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