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 A very sad song "Aanshuko Saagarma- Ocean of Grief"
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Posted on 06-08-16 6:50 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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Hi all,

Here is a very new song by Satya Raj Acharya "Aanshuko Saagarma" from the album "Jindagiko batoma-Journey of Life.". Lyrics and Compose by Jivesh Shedhai. Subtile is in English for non Nepali speakers.
Please share if you like it.

Thank you.

Ocean of Tears

I seem to have sunk in the ocean of tears
And stranded in the whirl of pains
Your memories gave me the tears
Took away the days that were happy and dear

A day is like a night
Filled with storm and fright
My heart pierced with a thunder
Eyes flood and hopes sunder
Why did you leave me and give this poison
Giving me this gift of loneliness, you lost in that horizon


The void governs
The king of rue comes
The light of hope dies
Bliss I had disappears
The journey ceased even before it was started
Once a full moon, my life is now shrouded



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