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Posted on 04-28-15 2:23 AM     Reply [Subscribe]
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Most of the posts that I see around on facebook and other social media sites insists us to Pray. It reads something like 'Lets pray for Nepal!' or something along that line.

My first question to those people is- Why did God Let it Happen in the first place? And you want people to pray to the same God who caused all this destruction? I mean shouldn't God be all loving, all kind, all knowing, and all merciful?

And there are people coming out and saying Nepalese mostly believe in Paganism, therefore, the Hindu temples are destroyed by the earthquakes in Nepal. According to some people I ve heard - they are saying that the END time is coming soon as it explained in the Bible and could possibly mean the second coming of Jesus!

I am really confused as to which God To Worship? How do I know which God to Worship- because there are so many to choose from? Muslims are as sure as Christians that their Allah is the Final answer just like every other religion claims to know the answer. How do we know that This Disaster was caused by God? Could it not just be another Natural disaster just like hurricanes, floods, rain and wind etc etc

I honestly find it hard to comprehend, and people are posting everywhere Let's Pray, Let's pray- Pray To Who?

and, What if I prayed to the wrong God? and the real one Gets Mad?

Additionally, I feel, if God Exist, He/ She/It/They must be a Sadist- for letting people suffer left and right. Logic tells me there is no such thing as God, but people insist me on praying and believing. I understand ultimately it is my choice. and I also understand this is not a time to rant but to help and we all should unite and do whatever we can from our side. But I also find that people are exploiting this time to take advantage of innocent minds and converting them into members of their cult.
Last edited: 28-Apr-15 03:39 AM

Posted on 04-28-15 7:00 AM     [Snapshot: 94]     Reply [Subscribe]
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FUcKH God! I will Fkk his ashh and his wife's twaat. both front and back. up and down.
Posted on 04-28-15 7:33 AM     [Snapshot: 136]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Well said. Prayer is an illusion where you do nothing but still claim you helped.

I hate it when people say, oh god is great, I almost died but he saved me. If he really wanted to save you then why let you almost die in the first place? Why kill thousands of others (some small children) but for some reason save you? It make no sense to me.

There is no such thing as God. We are like a spec of dust in this universe and everything is random. We need to stop thinking we are in the center of the universe.

Posted on 04-28-15 9:12 AM     [Snapshot: 216]     Reply [Subscribe]
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धर्म भनेको पुजा आजा हैन : धर्म गर्नु भनेको आफ्नो दिमागलाई कुकार्य तिर नलागे सुकार्यमा तिर उन्मुख गराउने माद्यम मात्र हो | हाम्रा देखि संसारकै धर्म गुरुले पुजा आजा बाट धर्म प्राप्ति हुन्छ भन्ने गलत संस्कार बसाले अनि तिमि तेही कुरा लेख्दै छौ |
कोटी कोटी भंग्वान को स्तुति गरिएको छ | मानिस स्वयम् भगवान हो : तिमि यसलाई कसरि प्रयोग गर्छौ | आज तिमि भित्रको धर्म को पालना गर त्यो नै सहि भगवानको स्तुति गरेको ठानिन्छ | समुन्द्रको छेउमा बसेर भगवान संग प्रार्थना गरि बालुवाको पुल निर्माण गर्ने प्रार्थना गर्नेलाई हामि के भनौ ?

रगत को कमि भयो भनि रहेका छन् : रगत दान गर्न गयौ ? गएका भए एउटा धर्म हुन्थ्यो | मन्दिरमा पैसा चदाएर र फूलपाती र टिका थाप्दैमा धर्म हुँदैन र भगवान को प्रार्थना हुदैन :

मा जसरि गाडी चलाई रहेको छ उसले भगवान प्रार्थना गर्ने हैन सहि र गलत को पहिचान को कमिको उपज हो | अब त्यो महामुर्ख लाइ भंवानाले बचाएनन भन्नु होला | उभित्रको भगवान लाइ लाइ दबाएको छ तेसैको नतिजा हो |
Posted on 04-28-15 11:31 AM     [Snapshot: 294]     Reply [Subscribe]
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There must be reason out with the terms of geographic cause
Posted on 04-28-15 12:20 PM     [Snapshot: 347]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Relegion is like a penis .
it is fine to have one .
it's fine to be proud of it
but please don't whip it out in the public and start waving it around.
Posted on 04-28-15 3:50 PM     [Snapshot: 409]     Reply [Subscribe]
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When you guys have wrong conception of God, you start thread like this. God is not something who is sitting up in the sky like a 'daddy god' and punishing the sinner and rewarding the good. It doesn't work like this. Purusha and Prakriti are working together. The Earthquake is Prakriti's Rajasic movement where Purusha itself is involved. Though it seems like life has been lost, technically Atma never dies. This human physical body is like a room for Atma where Atma resides and death happens when Atma changes this room of physical body. There is no need to panic here, though we must behave appropriately in this situation and should feel sympathy for the victims. This universe is an automatic machine of Prakriti where Purusha itself is involved and therefore, Purusha itself has to follow the rules of automatic universe. Even learned sages are baffled by how the karma operates.
Therefore, please have better understanding on the operation of Universe before creating threads like this. There is Purusha everywhere. You can worship anything you like because God is not something that is available in a far distance. God is an immanent reality and you are that.
Posted on 04-28-15 4:00 PM     [Snapshot: 421]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Pasupatinath, Baudhanath, Taleju, Kumari Mandir, Krishna Mandir, Swayambhu and Ajima mandir at Swaymbhu still standing. Is it a God's miracle? However their surroundings are gone.

Posted on 04-28-15 4:06 PM     [Snapshot: 426]     Reply [Subscribe]
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"Therefore, please have better understanding on the operation of Universe before creating threads like this. There is Purusha everywhere"....Oooooo purusha I am shit scared now.

Have you guys ever read richard dawkings or Michio kaku by any chance.

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