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 Stop raising funds individually
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Posted on 04-27-15 8:38 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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sick of people raising funds individually and most of them are promoting themselves. For instances check this mofo's, they are promoting themselves saying they re engineers this n that. who gives a fak about their portfolio.
Last edited: 27-Apr-15 08:38 PM

Posted on 04-27-15 10:16 PM     [Snapshot: 142]     Reply [Subscribe]
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As much as I agree that many are doing it for their personal gratification, I am keeping my mouth shut because if it helps Nepal then let them fuel their ego as long as they don't pocket the money.
Posted on 04-27-15 10:34 PM     [Snapshot: 178]     Reply [Subscribe]
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we can't trust these moo's man, we all know if u wana donate then go to red cross website and donate or to the people like Mr Prabal.
Posted on 04-27-15 10:42 PM     [Snapshot: 194]     Reply [Subscribe]
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I think I should start crowdfunding too.. they already got 1800.
I will send it to those victims too.
Posted on 04-28-15 7:00 AM     [Snapshot: 339]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Why do you have problem with people raising funds individually as long as they are being used wisely. I have hundreds of people at my work who I can ask to raise funds. I can ask them to donate to red cross or whatever organisation which they might or might not. Now, if I create one and ask them to donate there, they certainly will and everyone can see their names and donation amount which will motivate them to donate at least something, if not more.

I also created a raising fund privately targeting people at work. I have already raised more than $1000 in 2 days and its only going up. I am using this money to buy supplies like tent and stuff and personally going to Nepal next week to help and volunteer. Don't even dare to think that I will use this money for my own travel arrangements.

Bottom line is everyone has their own way of helping and creating funds. If you dont like private funds then don't donate, nobody is forcing you. But don't be so negative. There are many ways to get to the destination and everyone can pick their own ways.

I don't see how the guy is promoting himself. He is just asking for help and doing the best he can. And even if he was to promote himself, I don't care as long as he is raising funds and utilizing wisely.

Now if I post the link to my fundraiser here then you will accuse me of promoting myself too. And yes I am also engineer - there I promoted myself here in sajha
Posted on 04-28-15 11:02 AM     [Snapshot: 513]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Why can't a person raise money so that he/she can help to the victims ? Why are you judging what he/she will do with that money? Stop talking and do your part.

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