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 M 7.5 Earthquake in Nepal

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Posted on 04-25-15 12:49 AM     Reply [Subscribe]
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Does anyone have any news about the earthquake of 7.5 magnitude that occured in Nepal last night? None of the phone lines to Nepal are working.
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Posted on 04-25-15 6:58 AM     [Snapshot: 1583]     Reply [Subscribe]
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The 23rd aftershock just hit the place in just 6 hours!.The time is now evening and the weather app shows,it will rain today and tomorrow(Shit!) making it a bit difficult again for the ongoing rescue operations.Everyone is out of the house and are in open places,looking for tents and such to spend the night outside.No body is daring to enter the house as the jolt rock the place now and again.Most people are sacred by hearing the sheer number of the dead ones.Feels like I am in earthquake-prone Japan than in Nepal.Never before has anybody(even the old people who talks about 90's earthquake) seen such an outrageous earthquake in our land.Nature is acting wild,hopefully it's finished now as there is a massive search to be done.
Posted on 04-25-15 9:34 AM     [Snapshot: 1995]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Please Help your nepali folks: http://www.gofundme.com/swq6ebw
Last edited: 25-Apr-15 09:35 AM

Posted on 04-25-15 9:34 AM     [Snapshot: 2008]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Alias, what internet connection are you on?
Seems like yours is working. I'm totally lost just thinking bout what's going to happen to people out there.
Posted on 04-25-15 11:06 AM     [Snapshot: 2233]     Reply [Subscribe]
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The seismic graphs says that there could be more earthquakes with more than 10 Richter Scale. They are still having some shocks. Is there any way any organization determines if thats foreshocks or Aftershocks..the graph says possibilities increased to 11.5....not sure whats going on here..man ..this is scary as hell.
Posted on 04-25-15 11:13 AM     [Snapshot: 2269]     Reply [Subscribe]
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My sister was in Manakamana and she told me over there in gorkha everything is gone. It was near epi center. It was more than 10 over there.
Posted on 04-25-15 11:35 AM     [Snapshot: 2354]     Reply [Subscribe]
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I understand there is no possibility of the earthquake Richter scale 10 or above.
Please follow the link from USGS

so plz don't post any news that could panic people more during this very inconvenient, bothersome and sad state for all of us.
Last edited: 25-Apr-15 11:47 AM

Posted on 04-25-15 11:39 AM     [Snapshot: 2371]     Reply [Subscribe]
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what you mean by "it was more than 10 over there"? USGS reported it as 7.8 and 15 KM deep.

jhole bro, what you saying 10, 11.5?? i don't think aftershock will be that intense. i think ppl are panicked by hearing such random info.
Posted on 04-25-15 11:59 AM     [Snapshot: 2451]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Help crowdsource information

Posted on 04-25-15 1:19 PM     [Snapshot: 2684]     Reply [Subscribe]
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lot of funraisers sprouting in few hours. Hope it is not from nigeria russia or other fake people. Please make sure you know them before donating.
Posted on 04-25-15 9:32 PM     [Snapshot: 3226]     Reply [Subscribe]
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@Nas , i heard that hours before. Janata jhan trasit hunchan bhanera bahera nalyaako re.
Posted on 04-25-15 9:43 PM     [Snapshot: 3272]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Another quake just few mins ago.
Posted on 04-25-15 10:29 PM     [Snapshot: 3371]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Too many misinformation.
It's not 10 richter scale. It's the probability of another big shock, 10%. I highly doubt anything more than the last big one (7.9) will come, hopefully it won't.
Posted on 04-25-15 11:04 PM     [Snapshot: 3436]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Can someone send these videos to international news sites. Most in the US were showing comedy show in the Whitehouse.
Posted on 04-26-15 1:44 AM     [Snapshot: 3560]     Reply [Subscribe]
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10 mins ago another after shock a big one 6.7
Posted on 04-28-15 5:58 AM     [Snapshot: 4587]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Stallon,the net was not working for few days and in some areas the light was also cut-off as the transformers and the poles are out of their roots and are laying bare in the roads.It's good that they are back.

What a traumatic couple of days it has been for Nepali people;at first the satanic quake raged the whole landscape,destroying the buildings and crushing people inside,and then,the frequent aftershocks that ripped the land now and again,raising terror in everyone's mind.The bombardment of quakes(3 quakes each and every hour till yesterday) has left people to run for their dear life so very frequently and almost all are trying to get some breather by huddling together in makeshift tents and gathering in open places,while the rain hammers from the dark sky.

There's certainly Huge loss of lives and other physical structures while the rescue operations are also in full swing.The biggest problem now at this hour is not being able to confirm that if there's another quake coming again to tear down what's been left and survived or it's gone for a looong time for good.The international rescue team has been arriving every hour and the number of the dead and injured is still not sure as Nepal Police,Army,"Sasatra" and people are still working their best to dig out people from the rubble.

There is a sense of loss and agony in everyone's mind but their absence only mark more of their presence and what we have lost for a long time:the communal solidarity and reaching out one another in need without caring about the status,caste,name and fame is back again.It might take few years to rebuild what's gone and a lot of time to heal what's been etched in people psyche but I know we Nepali are best to persevere,not losing minds in such a deadliest disaster and like phoenix we will rise from the ashes for a new beginning which promises harmony and happiness.

Going out.Over.

Posted on 04-28-15 11:24 AM     [Snapshot: 4677]     Reply [Subscribe]
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"the communal solidarity and reaching out one another in need without caring about the status,caste,name and fame is back again"

Really? The high rise building that crumbled down in Kapan still has people trapped inside. No one has moved a single brick from it. The old houses in Sankhu are flattened and no one has move a single brick.
Everyone has decided to camp and have their arms crossed and locked and enjoy the warm sun. They are all waiting for someone to do it for them, or they think the debris will just get up and go away. Pathetic.
Someone who's always been helped by others, be it in aid or effort, will always be helpless.
Posted on 04-28-15 7:32 PM     [Snapshot: 4776]     Reply [Subscribe]
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hurray,it's easy to say those things than to do it.Don't you know there has been more than 100 plus quakes in just few days.Can you imagine to live on a constant fear of going heaven or hell every living second.And,you cannot break the cemented pillars and freaking "saat talle" in Kapan by your bare hands.I will not say much into this as who has done what and how easy it is to call everything p-a-t-h-e-t-i-c from a safe place,but you should know you need to survive first if you want to help others.
Posted on 04-29-15 12:05 AM     [Snapshot: 4902]     Reply [Subscribe]
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I understand that you need tools to move big blocks of concrete but you can always move a brick. Do you know anyone from your entourage in Nepal who is involved in clearing debris? I sure don't have on my side. There are many houses that have collasped and no one has moved a brick from them.
I understand the fear of tremors, but there is glory in dying while trying to save someone that dying while trying to save yourself.
I just don't believe anymore in Nepalese solidarity like you do. Nepaleses have been divided into small groups. Nepalese have become very selfish. There is no sense of unity within nepaleses. If you are in trouble, you will have spectators around you not helpers in Nepal.
Posted on 04-29-15 12:05 AM     [Snapshot: 4902]     Reply [Subscribe]
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I understand that you need tools to move big blocks of concrete but you can always move a brick. Do you know anyone from your entourage in Nepal who is involved in clearing debris? I sure don't have on my side. There are many houses that have collasped and no one has moved a brick from them.
I understand the fear of tremors, but there is glory in dying while trying to save someone that dying while trying to save yourself.
I just don't believe anymore in Nepalese solidarity like you do. Nepaleses have been divided into small groups. Nepalese have become very selfish. There is no sense of unity within nepaleses. If you are in trouble, you will have spectators around you not helpers in Nepal.
Posted on 04-29-15 8:08 AM     [Snapshot: 4964]     Reply [Subscribe]
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I agree on matters that you have indicated and about the mentality of Nepali people which we all know and where I will not go,at this shocking moment.
The local people or survivors,including the cops,army,volunteers and rescue-members are working their best to reach the crushed ones whose number may be significant as Kathmandu is a congested city with scores of houses,erected haphazardly in limited land.
In my locality,one six-storey house having 104 rooms has crumbled from where we and police pull out few dead bodies and halted before reaching ground floor without having a crushing tool at that moment.However,there is different story for different places and I see Showyambhu,Gongabu,Ason,Sundhara,Lalitpur are most affected in the capital and it's still uncertain how many houses have collapsed and how many people are inside whereas,the villages bear different grim story.
A jolt was noticed few minutes ago and the land is still shaking,with the tremors waning in each encounter but still of a degree to give shiver physically and mentally.
The gravity of such a massive earthquake in a densed place like Kathmandu and fluctuating terrain of villages have made the rescue attempt an arduous work than imagined with roads blocked here and there and structures sleeping on the way.
The ill-fated tourists are still traped in high-altitudes and trekking areas while the missing ones,counting hundreds,are still out of contact.
There has been many free services in and out the country like telephones,transportation,food and lodging services where available.
The whole system has been disordered,which,with each passing time is coming under a progression and by a group effort of all people,the govt. and international community.the holy mess can be put into proper place while making healthy arrangements for the necessitous.
There is a hint of shortage of fuel and food in the country which is inevitable and obvious which will last for some days,having a good knowledge,that ,we all are in this together.
Most citizens are helping each other;supplying sympathy and providing easement by whatever offering they might churn out of themselves.
It might take days,weeks and even months to scout every inch of the affected land as many districts having many villages have come in contact with the disaster.
The locals of the affected regions have already began search operation from Sunday and many people who resided in the capital have moved to their villages to save and to be near with their dear ones.
In such a calamity,working together is the only option and if conducted properly with effective management of human resources,tools and accessories that we possessed,while coordinating with foreign volunteers,the debacle could be bridled without giving it space to be enormous enough to be out of control,becoming a cruse to many.

Last edited: 29-Apr-15 08:06 PM


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