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 Nepalese Embassy phone number
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Posted on 04-20-15 12:09 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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i was trying to reach nepal embassy usa DC office by phone. this is th enumber in their website 202-667-4550. This number is unreachable.
Does anyone has any idea on any alternate way to reach them. They would not reply my email either.
Posted on 04-20-15 1:46 PM     [Snapshot: 89]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Same thing here. They are out of touch.
Posted on 04-20-15 5:37 PM     [Snapshot: 201]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Their phone is busy all day, if you are lucky, it will go to voice mail, and you can leave a vm, the probability of them replying back is same as the probability of you getting a heart attack.

I feel they are in Boston, trying to help fellow Nepalese :).

Also I heard people rarely work at governmental offices in Nepal, and since it US, ...............rest you can understand
Last edited: 20-Apr-15 07:14 PM

Posted on 04-20-15 6:49 PM     [Snapshot: 251]     Reply [Subscribe]
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I want to share little incident happened in Mission to Nepal in NY when i was there for my MRP.
That building has tight security as we all expected, 2 cops stand outside 24/7 and there is check in system which will not let you go without an ID. And as instructed they dont send people after 1 or 2 pm for MRP. I was in office filling out form and one Security guy came up and shout at lady why she is not picking up phone. there was one visitor which was there to met someone and security want to verify before sending him up. But noone was picking up phone there. And later she gave security another number , which is not on their website and ask him to call on that number in case of emergency. I was like WTF. One day before i was trying the number that was in website and then i know they never pick up that number ! They made whole system over there like in Nepal. After i picked my MRP, i thanked to GOD because i dont have to see them again.
Posted on 04-20-15 9:12 PM     [Snapshot: 299]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Email them guys. If you mention urgent in subject then they respond you quick. It happened to me when i wanted to inquire about MRP. But don't blame me if they stopped responding after first email.

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