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 american express travellers check in nepal
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Posted on 11-17-14 10:54 AM     Reply [Subscribe]
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Is it true that amex travelers checks aren't used that often in Nepal? I am coming to Nepal from US in few weeks. Is it better if I just carry cash instead of travelers check? I heard not many places accept that as form of payment or exchange it.
Posted on 11-17-14 11:26 AM     [Snapshot: 41]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Travellers checks aren't used anymore, instead they are switching into visa debit cards.. I dont know about exchanging or accepting that form of payments, but as far as I know, they are planning to discontinue it, not only in Nepal, but other countries too! So yes, please carry cash or debit/credit cards works just fine!
Last edited: 17-Nov-14 11:26 AM

Posted on 11-19-14 8:52 AM     [Snapshot: 292]     Reply [Subscribe]
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This is around 2010. I took travelers check, that I should't have. Banks in Nepal charge 2% fee to exchange that and also you have to show your passport to them. My 2 cents carry cash. (the good part of travelers check is, in case of lost or stolen, you can get your money back.)

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