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Posted on 09-17-14 12:03
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This is not a story. Do not go on reading this in hopes that you will know something or you will feel something by the end of it. This is not a story because a story should have a beginning, a body and an end and mine doesn't have any of them. This is not a story because I am not sure where to start from. Shall I begin my story from memories? Because you know, that’s where every story I have ever known is stored. If I choose memories, hundreds of stories will surface along with thousands of emotions and not all are pleasant. I could begin many stories if I dig down my memories but I warn you, doing that would only give you hopes that maybe there is a story when all I can give you will be some sentences that may or mayn't have any meaning to you. I have grown and changed and in the process, my memories are clouded. If I try to write a story about that one time I went to a park with my sisters and I got lost, I could only write about the fear I felt and go on and on about it. But who will want to read a story of only the horrors of a five year old? You will of course want more which I cannot give because I cannot remember the context or that situation of that event anymore. All I can remember is the fear. And it’s the same with every other incident. I have forgotten what happened, or why they happened. I only remember what I felt- angry, hurt, or happy. And soon, I will forget what I felt too. See that’s why I cannot trust memories to start my story. They disappear over time. Shall I begin my story from imagination? Because, that’s where every story I could ever possibly write is stored. I guess I could. But here’s the thing about imagination. It wanders and it lures. It is very easy to get lost in imagination and when you are finally freed from the millions of possibilities it gives you, suddenly reality is so unappealing. It frustrates you and all you want to do is to escape. So you will go back. But still, you could get a pretty nice story out of it. But then again, imagination is a wild beast. It doesn't let you follow a certain track. It will throw dragons and trolls at you when you are simply trying to write a simple story. You find yourself everywhere but not really anywhere. So you see why I cannot write a story, at least not soon enough for you to enjoy from imagination. So that’s why this is not a story, not yet because I am still figuring out how to begin it. But do not give up on me just yet. I am hopeful and I have learnt sometimes that’s all it takes to begin one amazing story. And who knows, maybe you will be in it.
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Posted on 09-17-14 4:55
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Obviously it is not a regular type story but it is a story that tells about story itself in a very sweet and precise manner. I would like to share an idea regarding story from one of my own posts- "No story has a physical
demarcation of the beginning or the end. It starts somewhere in the past, runs
along the present and continues to the future. But, it’s an attempt to contain
the vast eternity within the few pages and a practice of focusing on to the
certain portions of the eternity which are enough to visualize the long chain
of unceasing vastness. There is a lake and a river, both contains water. The
difference is; lake is stagnant but river flows. A portion of the eternity is
the lake and the river eternity itself. The key is imagination that stretches
the lake in the river and makes it to flow the everlasting wilderness." Will be eagerly waiting for your story, who knows I might find myself in it!
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Posted on 09-17-14 7:42
AM [Snapshot: 122]
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eclectic thank you for your wonderful comment and for sharing your words with me. and yeah who knows, maybe you will be there in my story. cheers!!
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Posted on 09-17-14 7:30
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This is not a critique or a comment. Do not read expecting a compliment or criticism. A comment, the type people write when they read stories on Sajha, usually expresses appreciation for the story and some words of encouragement for the writer. There is going to be none of that because when there is no story, alas, there can be no critique of it.
Like the thousands who scour Sajha's cluttered homepage everyday in the hopes of finding the smallest morsel of interesting information, my mind took off from the presentation due tomorrow and arrived in Sajha after brief stops on Facebook and Gmail. I must say the login wall San has erected around Sajha has obscured the view of what lies beyond without adding to its mystique. The thing is everyone knows what lies inside this site. We have known it for years. The Chinese Emperor ordered the Great Wall built to keep the Mongol hordes out. The East German Communist Party walled-off half of Berlin to keep its people in. I wonder who or what San is fortifying Sajha against?
This place affectionately reminds me of a medieval market along the Mediterranean - like those you see on the ubiquitous murals that adorn the walls of Trader Joe's. Replace the fish mongers, booze peddlers and spice sellers with wide-eyed career-seekers, testosterone-infused lust-seekers, deathly-bored minds and the occasional misanthrope of a troll. And like those absolutely delicious things you run into once at Trader Joe's that are never to be found in a few days , the same happens here with interesting people. Here one day -- and poof -- gone the next.
You alluded to clouded memories. Crowded too in my case. Sometimes the mind moves faster than the fingers. Sometimes the fingers faster than the mind. Both produce lots of typos and syntax errors as I am sure these paragraphs will prove the case to be.
And if there is room for one more character in the story you are yet to weave into words, I'd like to be the wanderer who wondered why he was wandering ;)
Keep writing!
Last edited: 17-Sep-14 07:59 PM
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Posted on 09-18-14 5:21
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vivant i can never be fully prepared for your comments. i always have hard time replying to you haha. thanks for this as always :)
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Posted on 09-18-14 8:31
AM [Snapshot: 476]
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I will take that as a compliment - thank you. It's always nice to start the day with one. :). One last thought : oftentimes the writer becomes more interesting than their stories - Rushdie, Rowling, Yan Mattel are some examples that come to mind - because there is more to them outside, rather than inside of, their stories. A structured story is only one of many ways to get into a writers mind. I only wish more people would share their thoughts like you have done. With that I shall get off my soap box and wish you and all Sajhaites a good day!
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Posted on 09-18-14 8:40
AM [Snapshot: 488]
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thanks vivant :) and keeping sharing your thoughts too. i appreciate that very much.
Jungle Book
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Posted on 09-18-14 9:25
AM [Snapshot: 515]
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Do I dare to jump on this bandwagon to carry on the baton? Anyways just did, but wondering what to spill? I never intended to be a writer knowing my level of rotten English built on foundation of “My English Book” that was dunked in me against my will. Besides, I lived a life of Huckleberry Finn during my school days, trying to catch fishes of rivers with my bare hands instead of books, so cannot expect much from myself. Still scrambling and wondering but my thoughts are running like wild horse with missing driving bits running in every direction without destination. As a wonderer I wonder and here I am trying to catch vivant and trailing behind evanescence and eclectic, as the saying goes “imitation is always a compliment”.
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Posted on 09-18-14 11:22
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junglebook trying to catch fishes with bare hands? i did that too! didnt know the difference about fishes and tadpoles though. and yeah imitation is sure flattering. but i dont know whether the compliment was aimed at me or not but hey buddy thanks for sharing :)
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Posted on 09-18-14 12:27
PM [Snapshot: 599]
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Junglebook and Evanescence , you guys must have impressive hand-eye coordination to catch fish with your bare hands! Most people would only be able to catch fish with their bare hands in the super market, if that ;)
Jungle Book
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Posted on 09-18-14 1:11
PM [Snapshot: 634]
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Yeah, get inspired by those Jackie Chan Kung-Fu movies. Though most of the time those fishes got me making me wonder who is fishing who.
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Posted on 09-18-14 2:17
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Ha Jungle Book, nice one, like the dog who figured out Pavlov's conditioned reflex?
Jungle Book
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Posted on 09-18-14 2:55
PM [Snapshot: 697]
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Yeah, I realized long after and now I am trying to catch a star ……………..wishing stars would try and catch me someday. And as a man with a song for every occasion here is one…………….. Men At Work - Catch a Star https://youtu.be/PyBDXluVBFk
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Posted on 09-18-14 8:59
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vivant haha i dont know about the hand eye coordination but i was definitely stupid as a child. i thought tadpoles were fishes back then! and damn, those tadpoles were also very hard to catch.
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Posted on 09-19-14 9:13
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I love this thread. We have a non-story, comments and non-comments, talk of food, music, confessions - all that's needed now is some good beer to turn this into a full fledged party ;) Happy Friday folks. Enjoy the weekend.
Jungle Book
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Posted on 09-19-14 2:48
PM [Snapshot: 930]
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Yeah, almost time for party, have a nice weekend and happy Friday all. Can’t wait catching some fishy, fishy …. though, digging with my teeth this time with some booze.
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Posted on 09-19-14 10:27
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vivant and junglebook haha yes indeed! happy weekend guys! have fun.