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Posted on 04-15-14 12:58
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A web based radio; rvlradio has kept me pretty occupied from 7-11 pm. The radio program starts off from early morning 7am to 11am and late evening 7- 11 pm. Ever since I've learned about this radio, I have found my self pretty entertained for my late night work, and its just a cherry on the top on how interactive it can get. Introduced by my very own friend; Mr. Anish Shakya, doing a show called FREEWHEELIN on Sunday 9-11 pm, is one of the voices of RvlRadio. It was funny, yet exciting to listen to a familiar voice over the internet, not only talking to me, but millions of other people around the world. So, my very first request to him was Adele's Someone Like You. And for some strange reason I cannot help myself requesting Adele's song on his show. Love Adele !!! I basically listen for the interactivity :) and those little jokes/comment they make are simply breathe taking. I have found my self literally laughing or enjoying the music whenever I tune in. More than that, the talks, and the information you get out of the show is always better than having to wiki it over the net. Another best show of mine is TURN IT ON by Chari and Rainman . It's a 18+ show, so I normally wouldn't recommend it for people who aren't interested. But, if I have to vouch for myself; I love it! And its a fact that I haven't missed out a single show ever since I started listening! So, I blame it on Rainman, for his voice is so soothing; says my ears. *wink* *wink* Well then we have NEPTUNES with voice; Ms. Swarna Tamrakar. The First half of the show, one would be updated with new songs while the second half carries on with the requests and dedications. I love the show!! But then there isn't a show I can complain, or say "I don't like it" after spending 2 hrs listening to it :)
Don't wanna miss out on Asish's Syangden's RVL English Top 20 where I have my fingers crossed for "Paper Doll" by John Mayer to reach the #1 position on the Charts! Ah how can I forget that it jumped from 18 to 9 and then to 4!!
All in all, I enjoy the shows! let me just put it as, I have glued my headphones to my ears for those 4 hrs! I wish for once I can say 8 hrs, but my beauty sleep doesn't really give me the authority to skip it for the early shows. I thoroughly enjoy the voices, the commentaries, the programs as a whole. If I could, I would have recorded them, and listen to the missed out shows. But, not everything is possible all at once, prolly in due course of time, the recorded shows may be available but for now I am very happy with my new addiction; rvlradio :) p.s Im sorry for not having everything covered about the radio, or the shows I'm hooked on to.. It's late, and my fingers simply went numb on me :)
Wrote this a year back... well I hope RvlRadio entertains you as much as it does to me..
Fuel Tank
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Posted on 04-15-14 1:05
PM [Snapshot: 19]
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Search Nepal > go to other station > it even has non stop Old classic Nepal songs (tara devi and such)
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Posted on 04-15-14 1:27
PM [Snapshot: 68]
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oh Nasie :) n you are mine
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Posted on 04-15-14 4:18
PM [Snapshot: 132]
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@Fuel Tank: Which app is that ?
Fuel Tank
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Posted on 04-15-14 5:17
PM [Snapshot: 178]
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@Fuel Tank: Which appGhintang, Its Tunein. Search > "Nepal" > "RVL Radio Nepal Classics" Dont confuse with "RVL Nepali" that doesnt play such great songs though.
Fuel Tank
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Posted on 04-15-14 5:19
PM [Snapshot: 180]
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Correction * Search > "Nepal" > "other results: nepal" > rvl radio nepali classics.
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Posted on 04-16-14 8:30
AM [Snapshot: 263]
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app cha hau :D they have rvlradio app for both ios and android, if thats what you are talking about.. :) well you can choose and play the genre u want or live streaming while the voices are on air, the choice you yours!
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Posted on 04-16-14 4:15
PM [Snapshot: 390]
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