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 Green Card Suggestion!!!!!!!
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Posted on 01-25-14 9:13 AM     Reply [Subscribe]
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dear Sajha users,
I received my Green Card through my Employer a month ago. i am planning to change my employer. But i have heard that you will lose your GC if you leave the employer right away. Is there a certain time contraint that does not allow you to change jobs after you received the GC?
Suggestion appreciated...
Thank you all.
Posted on 01-25-14 9:45 AM     [Snapshot: 38]     Reply [Subscribe]
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You were given green card in a condition to work for that employer indefinitely. So you must have very good reason to leave if you want to switch your employer, otherwise your GC might not get renewed later or denied citizenship if you want to go that path.
Posted on 01-25-14 9:50 AM     [Snapshot: 46]     Reply [Subscribe]
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I would say wait for some changes in your employment, like position change, or some changes in duty, or if you move the lication and you have long commute etc. If you live just like showing middle finger to your employer then you are doomed.
Posted on 01-25-14 10:15 AM     [Snapshot: 71]     Reply [Subscribe]
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You're better off asking this question on immigrationportal.com.
Posted on 01-25-14 10:38 AM     [Snapshot: 92]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Immigrationportal.com has most people on green card. Here very few, lol....
Posted on 01-25-14 11:53 AM     [Snapshot: 158]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Chances are you wont get in trouble if you quit on the day you receive the card, if you want to play it safe, wait for six months.
Posted on 01-26-14 8:50 PM     [Snapshot: 487]     Reply [Subscribe]
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I have already received the Green Card 2 months ago and i don't recall having any condition that i should work for that employer indefinitely....the reason i want to change this employer is that there is no opportunity for financial as well as positional growth in the future...i have been working with this employer for the past six years...
Posted on 01-26-14 9:04 PM     [Snapshot: 506]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Well I am not expert on this one but people usually change their employer after 6 months of getting green card just to be in safe side. However there is no written law that will hold you to switch the employer. I have seen few of my friends who switches their employer just after getting Greencard. Technically you can change as many employer as you want.
My best and only one answer to you would be
If you really have to change the employer so that you don't have any other choices then go for it. Otherwise just hold for another 4 months as you have already got your green card 2 months back and you worked for same employer for past 6 years. If 4 months can give you peace of mind then why not?
Posted on 01-26-14 9:34 PM     [Snapshot: 537]     Reply [Subscribe]
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did a little research....i guess it might be problematic only during your filing for citizenship (naturalization) which i don't intend to at this point...i will definitely stay as long as its possible...just weighing my options.....
Posted on 01-26-14 10:34 PM     [Snapshot: 596]     Reply [Subscribe]
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May be issues when renewing your gc too, if not naturalization. It does not matter how many years in fast you have worked with them. GC is effective since when you git your GC, and it was given
Posted on 01-26-14 10:35 PM     [Snapshot: 599]     Reply [Subscribe]
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...to work with your employer for that position.

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