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 reforms needed in maoist party
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Posted on 11-22-13 5:25 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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More than 17k people died in a decade long violence in Nepal led by Maoist. All the stories of slaughtering that occurred during this chaotic time should not be left to disappear as time passes. They need to be recorded in the history. 
Who is more responsible for war crimes? Who needs to face international criminal court?
The leaders of the Maoist party. 
Maoist are more responsible for the war crimes than anyone because they started the  bloody revolution in a peaceful democratic country.There was means to voice their opinion democratically.The leaders like Prachanda should be taken to International court of Justice. These people who grew used to killing Nepali people for a decade cannot be trusted for the welfare of the same mass. 
What should we do to the Maoist minions?
 Maoist who participated in civil war need to be mentally rehabilitated before they can participate in politics. WHY?
These Maoist are basically psychopaths who cling to each other and view rest of the Nepali population as the enemy.Us(Maoist) AGAINST THE WORLD has plagued this party. This kind of psychology might prevail in most Maoist because they fought a violent war against the state for many years and now EVEN though they have seen their leaders like Prachanda and Hisilia are just as corrupt and unethical like NC and UML, Maoist minions still cling and support their leadership. They have counter productive emotional ties with their leadership because during the decade long war these leaders were with them- in the toughest time.

Is this good going forward for people of Nepal? I dont know. May be we should not go down this path. it might teach people something or it might just bring come chaos. But, there is no harm in discussing these issues. This is why I brought this here.

Posted on 11-22-13 7:36 PM     [Snapshot: 117]     Reply [Subscribe]
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I like this topic, I don't really agree to the term 'reform'. I read a lot of articles and discussions here in sajha on a daily basis. I have never bothered to reply or participate in them just because. When the country was being tormented by Maoist, I was there. I used to hear a lot of things about them, the things they did and how they killed people. I was immatured and young then, yet I didn't like it. As I grew up, I understood one thing, no one has the right to kill or hurt someone, under any circumstances. Its againt the basic principle this world runs on - human life and humanity.

Lets get back to Maoist. Something went brutally wrong when they came to the government. It was not by willingness of the then government they came to talks, it was because of lack of options. The then government ( constitutional monarch) and the legislative government didn't have the power to defeat them. The maoist knew about it, hence they never stopped or even thought about anything else.

Back to your topic, you are right, Nepal had a government and constitution at that time, according to that constitution the whole Mao party and its members were guilty and still are for all the crimes they commited.  These crimes cannot be forgotten about, but , I am afraid we almost have. The first time the Maoist won the elections because the public was someone fed up with all other parties as they were all busy with their own personal agendas or busy dealing with threats from the maoist. The people were also scared of the maoist. I know a lot of people who had to choose between a vote to Maos or a bullet in their head. The Maos came to power, we all know what happened after that.

You still think that party needs reform ? I think the word is "EXTERMINATION".

Jai Nepal

Posted on 11-22-13 10:09 PM     [Snapshot: 213]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Enjoyed reading your reply. I rarely participate in these discussion too. I did not like using the word reform myself. 
I am assuming that by saying extermination you mean harsh action against them. I dont want to sound harsh when I am asking for justice against the violence, then, I would belong to same category as these maoist. If these psychopathic leaders are brought to justice and other people taught to respect human life we will all be happy. How do we do that? Thats tough qs.

Posted on 11-23-13 1:25 AM     [Snapshot: 348]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Saddam Hussein Lai ta case launa Milyo, prachande Lai ni mil cha Tara amrica godfather ko sath chahincha. Mero 2 paisa ko mat.
Posted on 11-23-13 2:36 AM     [Snapshot: 375]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Very interesting yet heavy weighted topic you brought here. Nepal should have never let Maoists come to power. There should have been no negotiations with them terrorists. How come murderers do any good to the country and its people?  If they finally had to come to politics and be no different than NC, UML, why did they start war in the first place? 
We, Nepalese people are very innocent (sojho) by nature. We easily trusted the Maoists. Maobaadi le kehi garchha ki vanera we voted for them because at that time, none of the political parties were doing anything for the betterment of the country. 
Maoists could be punished at that time when they first came to power. We could have protested and not accepted terrorists to be our representatives. We could have demanded to take them to international court, and our voices might have been heard. But, we supported them thinking, at least we get peace by ending civil war. I think Nepalese people didn't support Maoist, but took it as a trade-off for peace in the country. Now, it will be very hard to make them accountable because it looks like we supported them back in the day. But could be possible. 
I think the easy solution is to denounce the Maoist party as we all know they are mere killers, with no soul. People should not give importance to them; media should not go to the press conference organized by them; don't broadcast anything about them. Make them so unpopular they go away. If they don't go away, then we need some brave souls who can put bullets into some of them's head; we all know the deserving candidates. I have a very strong feeling that somebody from their own group will end the so called leaders out of frustrations. 

Posted on 11-23-13 7:31 AM     [Snapshot: 449]     Reply [Subscribe]
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It's a great topics has brought in discussion. Maoist and their so called corrupted leaders need to be faced war crime sooner or later. They killed 17,000 innocent people in the name of revolution, it's a part of tyrant state. Since 2064, Nepal become law and order less country due to rampant corruption. Maoist cadre has a mental issue because they never ever speak truth and try to respect human and humanity. They are still trying to create mimic and run the state and power. In other words Maoist is a party which terrorize human life, humanity, law and order and minimal right to survive to speak against their dictatorship. Therefore they need to face war crime and accountable for 17,000 lives.
Posted on 11-23-13 8:51 AM     [Snapshot: 492]     Reply [Subscribe]
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While I agree with your sentiments, you'd have to be objective about it. If we're taking maoists to criminal courts, many of the army chiefs and personnel were equally brutal in their campaigns [from torturing, raping, and razing down entire villages]. Crimes against humanity have been committed from both sides. The complicity and implicit understanding between the once arch-rivals, army and maoists, to give blanket amnesty to all those involved in war crimes is preventing the required justice. So, when you voice your opinion on bringing maoists to justice, you should also have the morality and courage to do the same for the involved state officials! Until then, its just white noise!
Posted on 11-23-13 10:33 AM     [Snapshot: 543]     Reply [Subscribe]
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I like that everybody kindda feels that way. Yes you are right, we cannot just nuke em up or anything. Everything has to be done the right way. Snurp you are right about army officials and other leaders that were brutal, I am not asking to overlook them. We should realize that Nepal is going through a very critical phase right now. Whatever comes out of these elections will determine the fate of the nation, A NEW CONSTITUTION will be drafted, that should be our target.
The constitution is the only way that can help us bring law and order in the nation. People like Prachanda and others insult our country and its constitution on a daily basis. They have a mentality of doing anything and getting away with it, that has to stop. You cannot do whatever you like, kill people and destroy villages and in return become the leader of the nation. How fair is that ?


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