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 The Edge Band
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Posted on 06-18-13 3:28 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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Loved this song.. thought of sharing ;) 

C CMaj7
Chaina kehi dhateko timilai
Am7 Cadd4
Chaina kehi lukayeko timilai
C CMaj7
Ajai paani biswas gardainau bhaane he he
Am7 Cadd4
Kina mero maya lai jhukyayechau

Dm7 G11 C
Aai hera chaati bhitra timro nai maaya cha
Dm7 G11 C Cadd4...C..
Suni hera dhadkan lai timro nai aawaaj cha

A7 Dm7
Jalnai pare jali dinchu marnai pare mari dinchu
G11 C
Jhutho bhayechaina bhana timi bhitra mero maya
A7 Dm7
Tadpauna khojchau kati risayera saatauchau kina
G11 C
Ma haare timro maaya ma aba ta saath deu na
A7 Dm7
Bhulo bhayo maafa gara meri maya timi
G11 C CMaj7 Am7 Cadd4
Tara jhutho maya nadeu
Uuhh hooo hooo


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