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 SQL Developer or DBA?
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Posted on 05-06-13 9:57 AM     Reply [Subscribe]
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Hello Experienced SQL folks,

I need some advice in regards to go for MS SQL Developer or DBA. I have some QA background and was looking to go for more technical skills - could you please guide me. I have ZERO hard SQL knowledge (other than very basic understanding what SQL is), and am confused about whether to go for Developer training or DBA training (job scope and job complexity also are concerns).

I would appreciate any inputs or feedback. Thank you.
Posted on 05-06-13 10:10 AM     [Snapshot: 14]     Reply [Subscribe]
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I would not suggest DBA coz getting a job in that field is very tough. One of my friend took a DBA training and he is in market for more than six month. U need to have practical experience to be a dba. Theoritical knowledge will not help you in your interview process. Good luck.
Posted on 05-06-13 12:44 PM     [Snapshot: 121]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Thanks quicksiler for your response.
Thanks quicksiler for your response.

Any other suggestions please??!
Posted on 05-06-13 12:56 PM     [Snapshot: 133]     Reply [Subscribe]
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I can help you get started on UI Training if you interested. It a 30 Hr of training and getting a job is easier and faster compared to other technologies. let me know if you are interested. 

Good Luck!!

Posted on 05-07-13 10:02 AM     [Snapshot: 330]     Reply [Subscribe]
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It is two different skillset but people generally start as developer and move on to become dba.

Pay might be more for dba but you also need to be more available. Need to be on-call lot of time.

As someone said before you need to have hands on knowledge to be a dba as you are admistrating the database itself. You do not need to do a lot of programming here but if programming is your thing you should go for developer..

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