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Posted on 03-30-13 1:42 AM     [Snapshot: 25]     Reply [Subscribe]
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 Unfortunately, you both have to be married on or before the date your gf had been approved for asylum for you to be eligible to apply for your derivate asylum status and green card later. If you guys are not yet married, you aren't eligible to apply for GC after a year, based on your gf's asylum approval. Only she can apply for her GC after a year even though you guys get married now.

Are you both in the US? What is your status? If you are on F-1, then you guys can get married now. When she gets her permanent resident status, she can file for your GC. But still, you need to wait 2-3 years until your priority date becomes current to apply for Adjustment of Status. 

Correct me if I am wrong.
Posted on 04-01-13 2:40 PM     [Snapshot: 302]     Reply [Subscribe]
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furke is right !!!

I will try to write what he\she has alreday posted out there...

If we get married now, what will be the case?...
There is no case right now. Ur GF doesn't have greencard yet. Even to travel she has to get 'travel documents'. Since your are in F-1 you still have to maintain ur status.
This is true even when she gets her GC and ur married to her and she files ur GC (I believe USCIS form I-130). Again, u still have to maintain ur status while she only has greencard. Things would have been differnt if she was a citizen.

Can we file for GC at the sametime or not?
As furke said - "NO"; you have to be married at the time of filing asylum.

Also, I was wondering where did you get the info?
My information - google, USCIS websites, radio, forum, friend's case, lawyer response... etc...

is there a genuine site for it?
Check USCIS or GOOGLE forum; there are hundreds out there....
Posted on 04-04-13 12:53 PM     [Snapshot: 539]     Reply [Subscribe]
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j_p :my gf was approved for asylum

furke: Unfortunately, you both have to be married on or before the date your gf had been approved for asylum

Stupida :As furke said - "NO"; you have to be married at the time of filing asylum

j_p:What will be the consequences if we file for the gc after we get married asap ?

can't you read the above statements MAN............

Time frame for GC process:
1) Duration of your spouse's greencard process (GC on Hand)
2)National VIsa Center (NVC) takes between 2.3 yrs to 2.6 yrs to visa available
3) Add 3 months for final NVC processing

Total = 1+2+3
Last edited: 04-Apr-13 12:54 PM

Posted on 04-04-13 3:16 PM     [Snapshot: 663]     Reply [Subscribe]
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some people say you guys can file 2gether but i am not quite sure on it.Did u guys check with the lawyer?


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