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 Anyone to share info about living in Detroit, MI
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Posted on 02-27-13 7:10 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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 Hey Guys,

I am relocating to Detroit, Michigan very soon. I am aware of the fact that Detroit has topped US cities in regards of crime rate. It would be great if someone who has/had lived there could provide some info about where to look for apartment in Detroit  metro area. I am looking for 1 bed room/ studio apartment or someone willing to share room. If somebody know any point of contact to reach Nepales around Detroit metro area, kinly let me know.


Posted on 02-27-13 8:16 PM     [Snapshot: 55]     Reply [Subscribe]
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 check also, craigslist and miindia.com or sulekha.com. you should find some ppl interested. 
Posted on 02-28-13 4:16 PM     [Snapshot: 228]     Reply [Subscribe]
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I work in Detroit. Detroit downtown area is not bad as you might think but besides downtown, nothing is good. It depends on where your job is (downtown area as I am assuming). You can live in Troy (20 miles) away from Detroit which is good but the traffic is pretty bad during office hours. Email me if you have more questions and send me your phone number and I can give you a call.. 

Hope that helps.

Posted on 02-28-13 6:09 PM     [Snapshot: 287]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Having lived  most of my US life in Detroit-Life in Detroit is Good. Although the crime is not as bad as they potray in the papers, you do however want to avoid living in/around downtown. Also make sure you have your own ride( Its the motorcity -yo!!!). There is Nepali communities around in Troy, Sterling heights, Madison etc.  You just have to be little careful when you are around downtown to avoid any unwanted attention. Its a good place to live depening upon how you live your life. I'd move back if i could find a job there!!!
Last edited: 28-Feb-13 06:09 PM

Posted on 02-28-13 8:34 PM     [Snapshot: 389]     Reply [Subscribe]
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 I read you can buy house for $1.

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