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 Opening a Subway Restaurant, Please suggest
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Posted on 02-18-13 10:50 AM     Reply [Subscribe]
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 Hey guys, 
we are thinking of opening a subway restaurant...If you have any idea on how much does it cost (average cost) and how much average income (range) can we expect...Please share with us.

We'll really appreciate it.


Posted on 02-18-13 11:55 AM     [Snapshot: 119]     Reply [Subscribe]
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 I heard (you know Nepali style) that actually it is pretty cheap to open a subway ($150-250K), the only thing is they want to see atleast more than a milion saving in your account. Also, since they are so popular and guranteed to work, they prefer already existing owner to buy newer location, which means very hard for newer owner. They say Subway is very picky unlike other. That's what I heard, take it with a grain of salt. Good luck.
Posted on 02-18-13 6:24 PM     [Snapshot: 395]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Posted on 02-18-13 6:51 PM     [Snapshot: 395]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Here it goes: first take a subway test. U have to pass it. Pass mark 80%. Questions include math and English both. After you pass the exam you apply for the franchise license. It costs you 15000. Then you have a choice either to buy a operating store or a brand new store. Buying an operating store is easy and hassle free. It also is less risky in which loan approvals are highly probable required you have a good credit score.Building your own store will cost you between 160000 to 225000 in which you pay as the construction goes on. So you will be spending that money within the construction time span. You DONOT have to pay that money at once. You pay your vendors as construction continues.it will approximately take 4 months to open the store once you decide your store location. Banks may not be that generous in this case because it is highly risky.The only liquid cash you need is approximately 15000 that will probably be able to keep your business in operation for first two months. That is your total cost including the liquid cash will be approximately 200000 dollars.
About profits
Your food cost will be between 28 to 35%. Labor is 20%,rent and utilities will be around 20%. So total cost will be between 70-75%. So a decent location should gross around 7000 dollars a week which should generate 1400 dollars a week(net) which will be 72000 a year that is 35-40% return on investment.
Posted on 02-19-13 6:37 AM     [Snapshot: 699]     Reply [Subscribe]
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कुन ठाउ मा आखा लगाउनु भएको छ ? LOCATIO LOCATION LOCATION भन्छन , एक महिना आफैले काम गरेरे हेरे भित्रि र बाहिरि सबै था हुन्थ्यो !

Posted on 02-19-13 12:20 PM     [Snapshot: 854]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Contact Subway corporate to see if they have any available space in your city. Last year when we checked with them for Houston, we were told that they do not have any opening / location in Houston surrounding for new Subway. This is from my own experience. This was for standalone subway. It might be different if you are planning to open subway in a mall or within other business complex.

Of course you can buy a running subway, but remember all subways are running in profit...be prepared really high price for it. last year, in state of texas, there were 2 subways for sale (in subway website), both in the border of mexico (guess why?). 

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