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 Ek chhoti si kahani ( True story )

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Posted on 01-31-13 4:44 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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There was a beautiful girl living next to my house about 150 Meter away. I always wanted to go close to her and introduce myself, but couldn't gather that much courage. She used to go college passing my house. I always waited to see her face hiding behind the wall of my house. It was like my daily routine. She was unaware of my activities.
Whenever I see her my day was made, I would be happiest guy in the world. Her innocent face with big eyes and white complexion had made me crazy. I don't know what was that: love, attraction, sexual attraction, crush whatever was that. It used to bring tremendous happiness within me.
My days was going like this suddenly one day I had an eye contact with her while she was passing by my home. I felt like she gave light smile, no wonder my limit of happiness. This gave me little more courage to go in front of her and confess whatever feeling I had towards her..................to be continued
Last edited: 08-Feb-13 10:43 AM
Last edited: 08-Feb-13 05:24 PM

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Posted on 02-27-13 2:17 PM     [Snapshot: 6860]     Reply [Subscribe]
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good going spritual - but 12 lines ain't enough, we need more

Posted on 02-27-13 2:43 PM     [Snapshot: 6903]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Isn't this notion of "choti si kahani" getting just a little "Lumbi" by each passing day? :)
Posted on 02-27-13 5:31 PM     [Snapshot: 6955]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Maybe he is referring to our Nepali height. We are short by nature, that is why it is chotisi love story.
Posted on 03-04-13 1:04 PM     [Snapshot: 7211]     Reply [Subscribe]
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 She came on her scooty with brightening smile on her face. She got the most beautiful smile in the world. Sometimes I used to think as if I am not suitable for her. I got off from my chair and  went towards her. She was like 10 mins late. When we both came face to face, we both say only Hi. I knew both of us were feeling shy because this was our first official date and both of us didn't know how to carry off the date.
 I asked her "Ayushma kina dhila ni", she said, "traffic jam ma pare tesaile ali dhila bhayo". I asked her, "Shall we go for movie?".
She said "OK".
  At that time, there was a hindi movie called "Bichhu"  running. Starcast was Bobby Deol and Rani Mukherjee. I wasn't caring much about the movie but caring more about having private time with her. We entered inside the cinema hall. Hall was almost empty. There were around only 100 audience scattered. Since I didn't wanted to be interferred by anybody else. I choose the corner sit. There were nobody infront and behind us. Film started. It was action movie. I wasn't paying any attention at all in the movie. I was just staying stiff and thinking of holding her hand.
  After sometime, I slowly moved my hand and placed my hand on the top of her hand. She was fine with that. She pretended as if she was watching movie. I know samething might have been going inside her as I was going through. Now I wanted to kiss her which was going to be first kiss of my life. I moved my head close towards her. She responded. She came close towards me. Then we started kissing like crazy...... to be continued.
Last edited: 04-Mar-13 01:07 PM
Last edited: 04-Mar-13 02:13 PM

Posted on 03-04-13 1:21 PM     [Snapshot: 7241]     Reply [Subscribe]
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The film's title might as well have been "bichhumma". :)  Action movie mah alikati romance rakhi deko spiritual bro?. hehe
Posted on 01-28-14 11:44 PM     [Snapshot: 9134]     Reply [Subscribe]
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I wanted to write the climax of my story. Are my fans ready to hear or read it?
Posted on 01-29-14 9:19 AM     [Snapshot: 9240]     Reply [Subscribe]
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spritual: You waited almost a year to write the climax of your story?
Posted on 01-29-14 11:25 AM     [Snapshot: 9304]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Spiritual bro story is going well.... तर लास्ताँ यस्तरी कुद्यो कि बैकुण्ठ मानन्धर के कुद्थे होला र...... पहिलो भेट मै किस ....... अब क्लाइमेक्समा कता कता बाट "चट्याङ्ग" आवाज आउने होला अनि त्यो पुरानो गल्लि को हिलोमा सिलित्त चिप्लेर गोबरमा हात परेर झसन्नग भा जस्तै झस्किने होला .... अनि हेत्तेरी सपना पो रैछ... भन्ने होला .....

ल अर्को भाग राखम ....
Posted on 09-12-14 4:52 PM     [Snapshot: 12646]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Tyo sabai chumman ko kura mero sapana matra thiyo. Jasari film ma sapana dekheko dekhauchha ni exactly same. Saayad mero bhitra aatma dekhi nai uslai maan parayera hola, ma yeti chado teha samma dubna puge....... To be continued
Posted on 11-16-14 12:08 AM     [Snapshot: 14454]     Reply [Subscribe]
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spritual, waiting for your next post...
Posted on 11-19-14 12:03 PM     [Snapshot: 14913]     Reply [Subscribe]
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I want to make this long story into short. Things were going smoothly. We were talking on phone daily basis and meeting in person sometimes here and there. To be honest, our relationship wasn't going to fast space as thought it would go. We were neither in only friend relationship nor completely boyfriend girlfriend relationship. I think it was her, who was talking extra time to get to know each other more.
As I had already mentioned earlier that we were in the process of going to USA for further study. We both applied for student visa, and both of us got it. Unfortunately we were going to two different states for personal reason. She was going to New York while I was going to Wisconsin.
We were so excited to go to USA. New place, new hope, new people. We were so overwhelmed by the thought to land into new place so called dream land.
Finally, we both landed in USA. She was week ahead of me. We both started to talk on the phone for hours. We used to share the new experiences, compare Nepal and USA and so on.... Things were going fine. But after two months later..........
Posted on 12-06-14 1:31 PM     [Snapshot: 15539]     Reply [Subscribe]
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After two months later ......???
Posted on 01-29-15 11:39 AM     [Snapshot: 18099]     Reply [Subscribe]
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I think we were busy trying to sort out our overwhelming surprises given by usa. I was so entangled with so many things as most of the freshers face it off. Like driving license, SSN, managing tuition fee for next semester, transferring to cheaper community college and so on... After two months I noticed that we were not talking to each other like before. I wasn't paying that much attention about. We were hardly talking 2, 3 mins in a day or sometimes we didn't talk for like 4,5 days straight.
Then at one point I realized that something is missing out. Now I decided to pay attention in or relationship and make it strong. I tried to call her everyday. But somewhere I started getting cold vibes from her. I noticed her making excuses to get away from me and trying to make the conversation stop. Seems like she is not interested at all to talk to me.......
Posted on 02-02-15 2:04 PM     [Snapshot: 18798]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Could you please raise your hand, if you are reading this story? I want to see the numbers of reader so that I feel that there's still people want to continue it.
Posted on 02-02-15 3:12 PM     [Snapshot: 18856]     Reply [Subscribe]
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spritual bro, keep continuing your spirit....
Posted on 02-02-15 5:53 PM     [Snapshot: 18955]     Reply [Subscribe]
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You are no more than bad Hindi serial bro, now you are loosing interest. I loved your story's first part, 10/10, second is 8/10 , third 6/10 . Your first part was two years ago and still you have not finished your story.You put few lines in months and ask us to raise our hand. well I raise my hand, now get your writing going on otherwise your story will be getting negative marks.The last part has lost my interest , still I will give you one more chance. Then I will see if you are worthy for my 5 minute reading and 10 min commenting ;-)
Posted on 08-13-15 11:04 AM     [Snapshot: 25405]     Reply [Subscribe]
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ओ स्प्रितुअल ब्रो, कथा छिटो सकम न | ठिकै थ्यो कथा त तिम्रो | ऐले क वायो भन त ल हामी सुनुम | ल्यांग ल्यांग नगरी किन भन न कथा |
Posted on 11-19-15 10:12 AM     [Snapshot: 29370]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Antim ma maile uslai sodhe, k timi aru kasailai maan parauchhau? Usle bhanyo ho. Ma chhanga bata khase jasto bhayo. Ma chhatpatauna thale, ma runa khale. Ani maile prasna gare kina kina kina??? Yesto gareko...
U chupchap basi rakhyo. Ma phone ma barbaraudai thiye, maile k k bhane k k sodhe ma aafailai thaha chhaina. Antimma usle kehi jawaf nadi sorry bhanera phone rakhi diyo.
Tespachhi Ko jiwan mero kasto bhayo hola kalpana garnuhos tapaiharu pani. Ma haasna birse. Meri jindagi ujad lagna thalyo. Sapanima pani u matrai auna thalyo. Mero jindagima kehi rash nai bhayena.

Tara malai thaha thiyo show must go on. Ma jeudai gaye bina rash ko jindagi. Maile 3,4 mahina pachhi thaha paye, who she is dating with bhanera. Keta ma bhanda ramro rahechha harek dhristikorn bata. Malai aaba uttar chahiyena ayushma le kina yesto nirnaya liyeko bhanera.
Last edited: 11-Aug-16 02:33 PM

Posted on 01-03-17 6:13 PM     [Snapshot: 47197]     Reply [Subscribe]
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6 months later I got the call from unknown number. I said, " who is this?
Last edited: 03-Jan-17 06:13 PM

Posted on 12-16-17 11:50 PM     [Snapshot: 62496]     Reply [Subscribe]
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