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 MSN UK Cooks a Heavily Biased Poll with Maradona Outdoing Lance Armstrong as the Biggest Sporting Cheat!
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Posted on 10-18-12 7:05 AM     Reply [Subscribe]
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Armstrong comprehensively outcheated by Maradona in MSN poll

Maradona and Armstrong - PA

Over 35,000 MSN readers voted on who was the biggest sporting cheat of all time, with Diego Maradona seeing off current headline-maker and suspected cycling pharmacy Lance Armstrong.

Maradona is remembered for winning the World Cup singlehandedly in 1986, with that single hand being the one he shared with God as he prodded the ball over Peter Shilton to eliminate England.

Click here for the whole article and for user comments

My observation and opinion :
Unfortunately for the MSN UK, the user comments almost unanimously side with Maradona and consider Armstrong as the biggest cheat instead. LOL. One blogger by the name Michael Hunt writes, "No comparison in my opinion too many die hard football fans in this country.  A split second incident (Maradona's Hand of God incident) or years of premeditated cheating?"
Even if the poll was genuine, considering that it was conducted on a UK website it was a loaded poll calculated to humiliate the Argentine football genius.

Posted on 10-18-12 7:55 AM     [Snapshot: 34]     Reply [Subscribe]
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This is not even a fair comparison; Maradona "cheated" within the perimeter of what's allowed in Sports. Armstrong allegedly violated all rules.

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