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 About the Charity posts popping up in Sajha/Email/FB
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Posted on 09-19-12 9:48 AM     Reply [Subscribe]
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After seeing tonnes of postings, few emails and FB requests about supporting Nepali Charities and "LIKE"ing them, I thought I'd express my point of view here.

First of all, the premise is for a noble cause. I had heard of Help Nepal Network before, Nyaya Health was new to me; so at the minimum, these postings created awareness of their existence. I am sure the people promoting these causes are not-paid volunteers and kudos to their untiring effort. If their charities do not win, they can at least pat on their back and said they tried.

The issue I have is inundating the public space with repeated and multiple threads/emails. Frankly, after seeing the same things again and again, it started becoming an annoyance. Much like a charity which calls every other day. Fine, this is not a big deal; they had to get their vote counts up. What got me is when some of them started invoking every emotional calling they can, sometimes in the name of humanity, most other times in the name of nationality. If you didn't vote for this then you, as a society, is heading to a wrong direction. How fair is that? First of all, all of the charities competing for the prize money, are doing it for a good cause. The leading ones, Egypt Cancer Network, HeNN and VT Sewa Network - all are doing it for humanity. How is not voting for one or another against humanity? Would my vote count add it to the prize money? NO, the only thing it will do is favor one cause over another. The only thing it will do is win you the competition (and let others lose). The only other thing it will do is feed your competitive ego. Spare me then.

I did vote for one charity and I rather not divulge which one. I want to see this level of enthusiasm in actual work. Also, don't be a leech. Don't come to Sajha just for asking for a help; contribute-this is everybody's forum. I'd like to see those names pop up every now and then even after this voting thing is over.

All in all, good luck to all the charities. These good causes do not need artificial emotions and guilt trips; they can stand by themselves. Don't over do things. Hope your charity gets the prize money.
Posted on 09-19-12 10:16 AM     [Snapshot: 16]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Bear with us for 11 more hours, please

If this wasn't important/necessary, we wouldn't be doing it.

Posted on 09-19-12 10:31 AM     [Snapshot: 52]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Kiddo i agree with you. Tired of reading the same stuff in sajha, emails and facebook. I hope it ends soon I am turning off my computer for next 11 hours or however long this this is going on. This is like a virus. Some rich folk throwing out dollar bills and the poor people are going nuts over it. It would be better if those poor people were all that excited about doing something for thier own country by themself instead of waiting for some rich bank to make them work their ass off  for few days in some online competition.

Posted on 09-19-12 11:07 AM     [Snapshot: 90]     Reply [Subscribe]
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 i totally agree with kiddo. these charites are overdoing it by saying you are not human or nepalese if you don't vote. Also intead of pleadinng for help everywhere in social network, it would be nice if they put forward a good story. Having worked myself in some charities i can say for fact, nothing sells better than a good story. People are not going to search what your objective are. You have to put it infront of them. Good luck to everybody doing it for noble cause.
Posted on 09-19-12 11:35 AM     [Snapshot: 123]     Reply [Subscribe]
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there are many problem in this earth but by voting, you decide what is important for us as a society. by voting on cancer research instead of nepal, you are telling that cancer research is more important than nepal and that nepal can wait. you have one vote so you decide where the money should go.
Posted on 09-19-12 11:53 AM     [Snapshot: 143]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Dolphin, this is the exact problem I have. Don't say, by voting I am saying cancer research is more important than Nepal. Don't treat us like fifth graders.
Let me spin it the other way to you. So you want those thousands of cancer patients to die just because you want to feed some of the executives in HeNN or Nyaya Nepal; who might give about 40% of the money collected to the actual cause. You want to cause pain to people who are already in a bad situation and fighting for their dear life by invoking national issue??

Sabita Bhabee/Rethink- exactly. I would rather listen to the actual success story in chosing my charity than base it on nationality alone. Where were you, before I saw you pleading for these?
Posted on 09-19-12 11:59 AM     [Snapshot: 137]     Reply [Subscribe]
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 Kiddo et al.,

We might have overdone or flooded your emails or FB pages, or done multiple postings in Sajha in the process of gaining votes and I personally apologize for the inconvinience. 

There are still lots of potential voters who do not know about the event and we are trying to reach to them. In that process, people like you,  get irritated because of the repetition of the same information. I understand that, but still, we need to reach to people. 250000, 100000,  50000 $ is large sum of money in our context. These events do not occur frequently so please bear with us and forgive.

BTW, I have been posting HELP NEPAL related posts and tried to be limit in that post only. So I did not surface here just for the Chase related thing. To me Sajha is still the way to reach Nepali population and thank San for his understanding to make my post as a featured post. 
Last request, Nyaya Health picked up nicely but GMIN is in danger of being in top 10. Please spread the words on GMIN's behalf. 50000 $ means a lot to less fortunate Nepalese.
Mabi Singh (Shirish) for HeNN



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