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 Trump makes market prices a lot cheaper than anyone expected
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Posted on 03-11-25 11:35 AM     Reply [Subscribe]
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Posted on 03-11-25 2:53 PM     [Snapshot: 163]     Reply [Subscribe]
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My 401k went down by 40 thousand but its a small price to pay to have a more common sense world where tax spendings are more transparent and not jpt.

Things are getting done proper way, things are going to stabilize. Don’t get way over your head. It will take at least a year to undo the mess they have been making for decades.
Posted on 03-11-25 4:19 PM     [Snapshot: 287]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Trump will eventually fix everything. Dont worry. It might take 10 years but he will eventually fix it.
Posted on 03-11-25 5:13 PM     [Snapshot: 370]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Yeah he says everybody will suffer during the transition , but future is MAGA. By that time he is dead, his family paid off his debts, make them rich again and poorly educated who voted for him left to wonder what the fuck we did. FAFO. Look at the last republican presidents Two Bushes and a Orange pumpkin. Bill Clinton made this country Great again after Bush and Obama did the same after Dubya. Future of America is going to depend on Young Democrat who will run in 2028. Hope that person is Josh Shapiro or Gavin Newsom.
Posted on 03-11-25 6:28 PM     [Snapshot: 508]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Frankly speaking, I am rich, so ,I don't care about inflation. No matter what I will blindly follow Trump.

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